Letter: New Canaan’s Help in the Land Trust’s ‘Fowler’ Property Purchase Would Benefit All

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Dear Editor:

I would like to express my support of the acquisition of the Fowler Property by the New Canaan Land Trust.

By adding this parcel to adjoining nature preserve, residents on the east side of our town can enjoy passive recreation and active appreciation of the beautiful nature in our area. Preserving open space in New Canaan adds to everyone’s property values. Improving opportunities for walking in the natural world makes our town more attractive to future residents.

In addition, preserving open space retains habitat for wildlife, assists with wetlands and watershed preservation and helps with carbon capturing so essential in our changing climate.

I urge all New Canaan residents to make a donation to the New Canaan Land Trust today to support this effort like I already have. The majority of the funds needed for this project have already been privately raised. The Land Trust needs support by all New Canaan residents now to complete this acquisition.

Any outstanding amount should be funded by the town selectmen in next year’s budget. This fiscal amount is small in comparison with what the town spends on so many other items, but the creation of this open space will have a value that is priceless for our entire community in the years to come.


Christina Fagerstal, Weed Street

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