A resignation has opened up a seat on New Canaan’s Town Council.
Many have already shared their views, including the view that the seat should be given to an unaffiliated voter or a Democrat. As an unaffiliated voter, I am grateful to hear about ways to better represent the significant number of unaffiliated voters.
For another alternative, the New Canaan Democratic Town Committee endorsed Colm Dobbyn for the seat. Given the impressive showing that the Democrats recently made across Connecticut and in New Canaan, it is certain that future New Canaan elections will be competitive.
These are all options that voters should consider in future elections. But what about the present? For a short, interim period, our Town Council needs to select someone to take this seat until the voters can make their choice. They can honor the voters’ will by observing their demonstrable choice for this seat.
Do the voters want a Republican, Democrat, or unaffiliated to fill this seat? We already know the answer. The voters faced the choice between a Republican, Democrat, and several candidates without party endorsements. They picked Republican Ken Campbell and expected a Republican to fill his seat this year.

Mike Mauro
We even know which Republican the voters indicated that they would prefer. When the GOP caucused to pick candidates, the next highest vote-getter was Republican Mike Mauro. Again, they already answered the question. The Town Council can honor that answer until we voters can speak for ourselves.
We are lucky to have qualified people such as Dobbyn and Mauro step forward to volunteer. The fact that only a few votes separated the Democrat from the Republican in the last contest showed that the next one could count. Meanwhile, let’s honor the voters’ choices.
If Mauro is selected, he will represent all of New Canaan regardless of political affiliation. Before long, he will face the voters directly. Is he a prudent steward of our public resources? Is he able to marshal his skills to benefit the town? He will govern with something left to prove. I predict that he’s up to it.
Thank you, Mike Mauro, for volunteering to serve in this key role in the months ahead.
Yes, I applaud and thank Mike for stepping up to volunteer to serve. Local boards is where I first was given an opportunity to learn how local government works and the value of listening and learning from constituents. I also found that having expertise and experience with labor law is a vital asset and is not often available from a volunteer board. Towns usually hire someone from a law firm that specializes in this area at a substantial cost. New Canaan is indeed fortunate to have talented residents who care enough to take time away from their professions and family to give back.
The Democrats got organized and unified behind their candidate (http://bit.ly/2E74AGg); will the Republicans do the same?
Your position relies upon hypotheticals that are unproven at this point. We do not know how the town would have decided amongst a Town Council slate that included Mauro and Dobbyn, and excluded Campbell. Under such circumstances, perhaps the town would have elected a slate of 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats for Town Council. The basic assumption that this seat is a Republican seat is flawed; it was Campbell’s seat, who just happens to be a Republican.
Thanks for commenting. You are right. We can only approximate what the voters want until an election.
As I said on my Facebook reply to this post, this logic doesn’t hold for me. To choose a candidate to fill this seat that was not on the general election ballot, but only in a single party’s primary, makes little sense to me. I don’t see how that reflects the will of the broad electorate in New Canaan. Dobbyn was on the general election ballot, and was the next highest vote earner. He should get the seat.
Thanks for your view. It is smart for Democrats to unify behind a single Democratic candidate.
Yes, a Democrat is the next highest vote earner from the general election and I think Dobbyn should have the seat. But if he was a Republican, I would see the logic in seating him based on the general election votes. It’s not really about party. It’s about fairness and transparency. To pull someone from the primary smacks of a kind of insider deal that doesn’t sit well with me.
You are right: it’s about fairness and transparency. Impressive to see the energy for Dobbyn from the Democrats.
Chris thank you for supporting my points that I stated last week. Mike Mauro is the only correct candidate to assume the Town Council seat vacated by Ken Campbell. To reiterate Attorney Mauro was vetted during the grueling two televised Republican Caucus televised debates and written media Q and A forums. Mike is brilliant, has the highest standards of civility, dedicated, loves our town and a dedicated family man. Above all he has the expertise which the Town Council currently lacks – expertise in labor law and negotiating. If Mike Mauro is not granted this opportunity and seat on the Town Council it will be a rare opportunity foregone.
Good points. Foregone until an election at which point Mike Mauro can face the voters.
Mr. Mauro and the Republican Party chose to run 4 candidates last Nov., when they could have run 6. They would only get 4 elected and chose the party/ personal ego of not having a candidate loose, to running as many candidates as they had and the town choosing who was best to serve us.
Mr. Dobbyn set aside ego for the betterment of the town, he had the next highest votes. He has served the town on Inlands/Wetlands for years earning the respect of both parties. I for one would like to see the town support a candidate willing to set aside personal ego, to serve the town.
To say that a July caucus vote of Republicans should be the factor to consider, is flawed, the Republicans are not even 50% of New Canaan voters.
Thanks, Ginny. Mr. Dobbyn gave a favorable impression last year. I hope he runs in the next election.
Please Ginny your arguments are weak and unsupportable. The Town Council is not in need of inland wetlands expertise ur drastically needs labor law expertise as labor costs are the largest part of our town budget.
Reposting my comment from Facebook:
While I respect the author’s position to honor the will of the voters, I am confused by his logic: I don’t recall Mike Mauro’s name on the ballot this past fall when I cast my votes for various town elected officials. To my knowledge, Mauro made it as far as the Republican primary when that party’s candidates were jockeying for four Town Council seats during their caucus. Unlike in the case of Mauro, New Canaan voters in their entirety– which include many Unaffiliated/Independent voters as well as Democrats– had an opportunity to learn about Colm Dobbyn’s campaign and saw his name on the ballot as a contender for Councilman. In fact, many people voted for Dobbyn– and not just those from a single party during a smaller election. While I don’t doubt Mauro is an exemplary person and candidate, Dobbyn would appear to be the more rational choice to fill the vacated seat left by Ken Campbell until New Canaanites have the opportunity to vote for themselves in the special election.
November’s Ballot:
All valid points, Alyssa. I’m glad we have more than one party and more than one option.
I am, too!
Based on the election results last November, New Canaan no longer is the one party town it once was. While town council still is controlled by republicans, this would be an excellent opportunity to balance the power to better reflect the voice of the voters.
You’re right, Annamari. It is now competitive. Good. Whatever happens next, there will be another shot November.
I concur. Mike Mauro would be an excellent choice to fill this position.
The town council would benefit from a practicing attorney (which both Mr. Dobbyn and Mr. Mauro have in common).
I fully support Mike Mauro to fill the town council seat that was vacated by a Republican. Mike is a bright attorney with extensive experience in labor law, which would be a valuable asset to the town council. Mike has two young children in the New Canaan school district and he will be diligent in his efforts to keep New Canaan the wonderful town that we live in.
Jan, I hope you can come to the RTC meeting at Town Hall at 6 tonight to share your perspective.
My husband Mike Mauro is a man of honesty, integrity and love for his town. As soon as we moved here and enrolled our twins into South Kindergarten, he was determined to join the already wonderful and dedicated team of leaders …and willing to use his personal time and labor law experience to better the town we are so proud to call home.
Mike entered himself into the Town Council race before others jumped on…..an uncontested race that quickly turned into a challenge, but Mike did not give up. He debated, campaigned and put himself out there, despite the odds.
He did it not for anything more than him caring deeply about this town and wanting to add a fresh set of eyes and ears.
I hope the council members support him in his quest and stand behind the man who wants to put New Canaan first not only because he is a great person and wonderful father, but because he received the next highest amount of votes in the Republican race.
Thank you
Mike Mauro was not on the ballot last elections therefore he does not represent the “will of the people”. My understanding is that Colm Dobbyn was the next winner on the ballot last November and therefore he should fill the interim post until the next elections.
Thanks, Afsaneh, for that view. Support for the Democrat is a view shared by many Democrats.
Mike Mauro would be a bonus person to sit on our town council seat. He is a great person for our towns needs. Having young children and being involved in our community he really can feel what this town needs and that is very important. He will keep the family values and do what is important for the families of this town to keep it a great place to raise our children. I vote Mike Mauro!
I strongly agree. I believe the vacated Republican position should be filled by a Republican, the one with the next highest amount of votes. The voters’ party choice should be honored. Mike Mauro, aside from being a qualified attorney, has pride and passion for New Canaan. He is intelligent, community minded, dedicated, and willing. To me, he is the obvious and best choice.
Logically, it would seem that the party that won the election should replace with the best qualified candidate of the said party.
If an unaffiliated candidate is considered, the Town Council should first make known to the public that person’s views on all matters.
In the next election, both parties…and unaffiliated…can make their vote count.
Mike Mauro should be allowed to have the seat. He has earned it and would be a wonderful asset to the community. Please listen to all the people who voted for him.
I had a chance to get to know Mike throughout the election during the Summer and I must say, he is surely one of the most qualified candidates in town to fulfill this role.
I can attest to Mike’s character as a man of integrity, respect, and dedication and I believe no one else is more fit for the position than him. We need more young people like him who are willing to put the town first in leadership roles. Mike personifies this description, which is why I believe he is ideal to serve out the rest of the term.
What a tremendous opportunity for New Canaan to be represented by a person who is on record for wanting to help enhance the future success of this town – and that future lies in the hands of leaders like Mike Mauro. We need a NEW voice to represent the realities of today’s New Canaan and I believe that Mike is that voice. The only reason he didn’t win the Town Council seat was that he was relatively new to town at the time.
I don’t understand all the party politics here – but if New Canaan wants the best candidate to help keep New Canaan strong and relevant today and into the future, I say that the best candidate is Mike Mauro. (ps, Mike was at our house within 10 minutes of our request to help us with a chore – that’s the kind of neighbor he is!)