20 thoughts on “Full Disclosure: Is This for Real?

  1. Dear Susan,

    You did it again!!!!
    and….just when we all needed you.:-)
    Great morning read, smile and giggle.

    Thank you so much,
    Anne Snyder
    a good friend of your Mom’s.

  2. Dear Susan,
    Thanks so much for your wonderfully refreshing piece. It made me smile and that’s a good thing especially as there seems so little to smile about these days. Keeping a sense of humor is probably one of the most important tools to surviving the days ahead. I am sure many in town can relate to your circumstances. All the best in the days ahead.

  3. Susan, thank you for another entertaining take on our reality today. I have been looking forward to your column, especially since the recent coronavirus has kept us at home. We are also very fortunate in New Canaan to have Mike Handler giving us these informative news briefs. The neighborhood parents have informed me (from 6 feet away) that the NC school system has been doing an amazing job of home schooling our kids. We feel blessed to live in New Canaan.

  4. “Stop! Handler Time!” One of those, “Wow! I wish I had thought of that!” COVID19 time period sayings that I will never forget. Too funny!

  5. You made my day with your wonderful column! You perfectly described our new reality living in “a bunker, a school, an international banking operations hub, an around-the-clock restaurant (unworthy of any favorable Yelp reviews), a fitness center for shut-ins, a dust bunny sanctuary, and a gaming hotspot. It’s a wonderland of confusion and chaos.” Every day is Groundhog’s Day and yet we are all learning to embrace the small things – our long walks, family dinners, and those odd items we have chosen to hoard. I too, have a large tub of mayo and just bought more in case I run out! This quirk must run in the family… Love you sis.

  6. Thank you Susan, for your brilliant talents of true journalism and never any fake news reported. We are blessed to have you in our town and hood.

  7. Thank you for not making it seem so bad! We will get through this and I really did need a good laugh as well as motivation to work out more- Luanne

  8. Laugh out Loud! We too gather around the phone (placed on speaker) at 7pm to hear Mike Handler. I’m going to have to start calling it Hammer time now. Love it!

  9. Love these pieces, Susan. The mental image of you at Walter Stewarts spotting that Mayo and hoarding it is giving me the best laughs. Thank you for writing this, today!

  10. Thank you for this, Susan! I always smile after reading one of your pieces. I’m right there with you bookmaking some fabulous workouts for NEVER 🙂

  11. Although I have moved to Florida, I still look forward to reading your articles, and they never disappoint. Well done Susan! I just read “Irena’s Children” by Tilar J. Mazzeo, which takes place during WWII in Poland. Let’s be thankful we do have comfy homes to live in with electricity, heat, TV’s, internet, etc., and your articles to keep us smiling! I wish you and your family and all our New Canaan friends, good health! Miss you all!

  12. Excellent! Great reference to the Churchill War Room Museum which we have been to twice. One point on the nightly update calls. They show up on my phone as ‘potential spam’. Interesting classification by the phone company!

  13. Susan, you made my day and expressed perfectly what so many of us are going through. Thanks for sharing your sense of humor and talented writing to spark joy in all.

  14. I don’t even live in New Canaan and I will be thinking about “Stop! Handler time”

    Thank you for the levity!

  15. Thanks for the laughs on this gloomy Friday Susan! Brings some much needed humor to our situation. Especially loved the comparison of you being on the food network show, “Choppt”. 😂

  16. Priceless, Sue!!! Once again, I am giggling as I read. Do you actually do the MC Hammer moves as you shuffle to the phone? Please have one of your kids video this! 🙂 Cheers!

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