Letter: Kit Devereaux ‘Most Experienced and Qualified’ To Be First Selectman

Dear Editor:

My husband and I are 19-year residents of New Canaan, and have raised three children in this community. I am writing to encourage all citizens to vote in our municipal election this year. We can come together in a bipartisan manner to elect Kit Devereaux as our First Selectman. I endorse Kit because she is the most experienced and qualified to be our Town leader. Kit has extensive experience serving our Town government, including positions on the Board of Finance, Town Council, and Parks & Recreation.

Letter: Grace Farms ‘Enriches Our Community’

Dear Editor,

I would like to express my appreciation and support of a New Canaan community asset, Grace Farms. Grace Farms run by the Grace Farms Foundation has multiple functions: including community and religious. This year I had the opportunity to become better acquainted with Grace Farms, when as a board member of a local community organization I was able to hold a meeting for our members in its West Barn Hall. The staff at Grace Farms is highly professional and at all times exhibit the utmost concern for their operations and any events they host. Our group was very made to feel welcome and well taken care of. In addition, I am very impressed by the commitment of the Grace Farms Foundation to the preservation of the environment.

Letter: New Canaan’s Help in the Land Trust’s ‘Fowler’ Property Purchase Would Benefit All

Dear Editor:

I would like to express my support of the acquisition of the Fowler Property by the New Canaan Land Trust. By adding this parcel to adjoining nature preserve, residents on the east side of our town can enjoy passive recreation and active appreciation of the beautiful nature in our area. Preserving open space in New Canaan adds to everyone’s property values. Improving opportunities for walking in the natural world makes our town more attractive to future residents. In addition, preserving open space retains habitat for wildlife, assists with wetlands and watershed preservation and helps with carbon capturing so essential in our changing climate.

Letter: ‘Rush To Judgment’ on Future of Outback Building

Dear Editor,

I am concerned that a rush to judgment has been made over the building behind Town Hall formerly know as the Outback Teen Center. While I am not qualified to assess the building, I find it astounding to learn that it has experienced such a dramatic decline over a short period. I believe the public needs a more detailed explanation of its condition before the drastic step is made to tear it down. Over 15 years ago, 1,000 individual gifts in excess of $2.2 million were made to construct the Outback. Its Board of Directors successfully operated it as a private non-profit entity to benefit New Canaan’s teenagers with activities “by teens and for teens” deemed to provide young people with independence and positive self-worth.

Outback Board Unknowingly Alerted in 2007-08 To What Became ‘Potentially Disastrous’ Structural Danger at Teen Center

A former board president of New Canaan’s defunct teen center said Tuesday morning that the organization’s directors had learned through a study conducted as early as 2007 of a “hinge effect” in the building’s second floor—a part of the Outback’s design and construction that professional engineers now describe as unsafe for the young people it had been built to serve. The danger developed over time as the flooring began to “crown,” and there’s no way the Outback’s board could have known the hazard it would create when the teen center opened in 2001, officials said during a regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen. Yet the first reaction from an engineer who entered the Outback building before it was closed to the public last week was, “ ‘You’ve got to close this building. No one should come in here,’ ” according to Bill Oestmann, buildings superintendent with the New Canaan Department of Public Works. “And when I told them what they were doing there, he explained that having a large dance up there, if you have 100 kids and people moving around, that whole weight load is bouncing going back and forth, and he just said that floor could drop down on one side because it’s just hinged up there,” Oestmann said at the meeting, held in Town Hall.