Happy 105th birthday to Camille Hyman, who celebrated the milestone with family members at Waveny LifeCare Network on Aug. 27. Hyman is the oldest resident of The Village at the Farm Road facility.
The town last month suspended a player in the Recreation Department-run adult softball league after he misbehaved following a game, officials said. The July 2 incident unfolded after a row involving members of rival teams The Firm and Kaster Moving escalated, according to town officials. The teams weren’t playing each other that day, but played games on adjacent fields at Waveny, and complaints came into the town to have the man removed from the league, according to a representative from the first selectman’s office. Ultimately, after officials consulted the town attorney, he was suspended one game. UPDATE (Nov. 7): The row started when a Kaster player struck a golf ball that landed near people gathered in a parking area.
The owner of a multifamily home at 2 Parade Hill Road on Monday filed papers in state Superior Court this week to evict a man and woman for failing to pay their $2,500 monthly rent for a unit there. Their adult children also are being evicted because they’re not supposed to be there, according to the complaint, filed by Norwalk attorney Michael Barbarula of Ryan Ryan DeLuca LLP.

Mikey Czech. Photo courtesy of the Mikey Czech Foundation
A reminder of some great local events that are drawing near:
- ‘11 Cent Scoop Night,’ a Mikey Czech Foundation Fundraiser—Sept. 6 at Baskin Robbins on Main Street.
- FieldFest ’19—Sept. 7 at Waveny’s Coppo Field, presented by the New Canaan Athletic Foundation. Media sponsors include NewCanaanite.com.
- Recovery Coach Academy hosted by Silver Hill—Oct. 15 to 18, presented by CCAR Recovery Coach Academy.
The following food service establishments and organizations aced recent unannounced inspections by a New Canaan Health Department sanitarian:
- Cherry Street East, 96 points out of a possible 100 (Aug. 20 inspection)
- Dunkin Donuts—95 (Aug. 15)
- Baldanza—97 (Aug. 21)
- Acme—93 (Aug. 22)
- Vicolo Pizza—94 (Aug. 20)
- Ching’s Table—91 (Aug. 22)
- South End—94 (Aug. 22)
- Silver Hill Hospital—97 (Aug. 21)
First Selectman Kevin Moynihan this week released a statement marking the 90-day mark since the May 24 disappearance of New Canaan resident Jennifer Dulos. “I want to assure the family and friends of Jennifer that the townspeople of New Canaan are keeping Jennifer and her family in our hearts and that we remain committed to seeking justice for Jennifer,” it said. Carrie Luft, a friend of the missing mother of five, said the following in her own statement: “Jennifer’s family and friends want the people of New Canaan to know how much we appreciate the ongoing efforts and actions of the New Canaan Police and the greater New Canaan community: candles, bracelets, flyers and more.”

Photo courtesy of the New Canaan Police Department
New Canaan Police Chief Leon Krolikowski released the image at left in connection with two recent break-ins and burglaries at Mariomi Road homes. The convertible Mustang was caught by a surveillance cameras. Anyone with information about these burglaries should contact NCPD Sgt. Scott Romano at 203-594-3523.
Finally, New Canaan received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its comprehensive annual financial report, officials said.