Did You Hear … ?

New Canaan Police said that at 9:02 a.m. Wednesday a 2019 Volvo SUV was reported stolen from a Rosebrook Road home. Unlocked with a key fob inside, it was later recovered in Waterbury. At 12:23 p.m. that day, a 2016 Ford SUV was reported stolen from a Parade Hill Road driveway, while another vehicle there was entered and cash stolen from inside, according to Police Chief Leon Krolikowski. Both vehicles were unlocked, and the owner didn’t know whether the key was left inside the stolen SUV or if someone took it from an unlocked mudroom door, the chief said. ***

New Canaan CARES Executive Director Ellen Brezovsky posted Thursday on the nonprofit organization’s Facebook page that it was her last day there.

Did You Hear … ?

The condo-and-apartment complex known locally as “Merritt Village” is now “The Vue New Canaan.” Here’s its Facebook page. ***

We wish all the best to 2015 New Canaan High School graduate Lucas Niang during the NFL draft, which opened Thursday night and runs through Saturday. ***

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan opened Tuesday’s Board of Selectmen meeting with a moment of silence, saying, “I’d like to start by having a brief moment moment of silence for our 21, perhaps now 22 New Canaan victims of this COVID virus and I would also like to note, as many of you know, that our own superintendent of schools, Dr. Bryan Luizzi’s father passed away over the weekend after only four days of illness, of COVID. This is a very sad time, and I would just like to take a few moments to remember these victims.”


New Canaan Police at 12:40 a.m. Monday cited an 18-year-old Stamford man for marijuana-related infractions after stopping his car on Cherry Street because it didn’t have a front marker plate. ***

The Town Council on Wednesday approved a 90-day local tax deferral program for qualified property owners.

Did You Hear … ?

Ed Vollmer, a member of the appointed Historical Review Committee, during a discussion Thursday of the group’s responsibility to create an update a “Historic Resource Inventory” of New Canaan—a listing of structures here with historical significance—said the document wouldn’t be public. Saying he had been approached by Realtors in the past about such a listing, Vollmer recommended the Inventory be kept at the New Canaan Historical Society, rather than online, forcing those wishing to see it to go there. “It is available to public if they want to go get it, but I don’t want to make it easy,” he said. Here’s that section of the meeting:


First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said Monday during a meeting of the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee on Buildings & Infrastructure that he has an “unusual sleep cycle” and typically awakens between 3 and 4 a.m.


New Canaan Police shared this photo and message Thursday through the department’s Instagram account, showing the family of Officer Rex Sprosta visiting him on the job with a sign saying “We love u Dad”: “During these unprecedented times in our town, country and world one thing is known, the women and men of the New Canaan Police Department are here for all of our residents. We are dedicated to providing the best service possible under these very stressful times.

Did You Hear … ?

Gov. Ned Lamont said Thursday that he intends to sign an order keeping all Connecticut schools closed through at least May 20. “Out of the best interests of the health and safety of students, teachers, and staff, we feel this is the best approach at this time,” he said in a press release. According to New Canaan Emergency Management Director Mike Handler, the town had 106 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 11 deaths as of Thursday evening. ***

Regarding the estimated $12 million renovation of police headquarters on South Avenue, First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said during a discussion of long-term capital spending at Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Finance, “If anything, if we are going into a recession or a depression, maybe you push the Police Department [project] off entirely.”


New Canaan Police posted on Instagram Thursday that thieves continue to take advantage of residents who are not locking their cars amid the COVID-19 emergency. “More and more cars are being entered at night and several cars have been stolen,” police said.

Did You Hear … ?

Emergency Management Director Mike Handler said Thursday in a town-wide call that New Canaan now has 63 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and that seven residents have succumbed to the virus. In a press release, Waveny LifeCare Network officials noted that despite taking several preventative steps, 10 individuals associated with the organization have tested positive for COVID-19. “These include three healthcare staff members and seven patients/residents,” the press release said. “Three of those patients/residents have passed, and four are currently under care at local hospitals. We remain in contact with medical professionals and families and we hope that those hospitalized will recover and return home to Waveny soon.  The three healthcare staff members are recuperating at home.”


Due to the emergency, this year’s “Clean Your Mile” initiative, planned for later this month, has been canceled, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Director Kathleen Holland announced. ***

New Canaan Police at 10:36 p.m. on March 28 cited a 23-year-old Main Street man on marijuana-related offenses after investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle at Woodland Place and Elm Place. ***

Karl Chevy is now offering 20% off labor for service work on all makes and models.