A White Oak Shade Road resident on Wednesday morning used a spade to kill an apparently sick raccoon that had tussled with a neighbor’s Vizsla. The man had spotted the raccoon stumbling around outside just as his neighbor unknowingly released the Hungarian-breed dog. The Vizsla yelped during the animals’ scuffle and later exposed a second dog inside its owner’s house to the possibility of disease through contact with the raccoon, so they’re both on a 45-day strict home confinement while the dead raccoon’s brain is being tested for rabies, according to Officer Allyson Halm of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section. Those results should be available this week, she said.

The approved sign for Hashi Sushi on Forest Street.
Originally scheduled to open in April, Hasi Sushi—the Japanese restaurant that’s going in on Forest Street in the old Peachwave space—now is set for a launch next month, we’re hearing.
Police late Monday arrested a 33-year-old Smith Ridge Road woman and 34-year-old man and charged each of them with disorderly conduct. The man additionally was charged with interfering with an officer. It isn’t clear what happened or prompted police to bring the misdemeanor charges—such cases typically are deemed domestic matters and authorities withhold details. The man was released on $2,500 bond and the woman after promising to appear Tuesday in state Superior Court in Norwalk.
Captain Jack LLC, the locally owned company that’s caused concern among Heritage Hill Road condo owners since it started buying up units at a rapid pace last year, has acquired two more condos there in the past month.

(Photo L to R): Ann Mitrione, Bankwell in Wilton Branch Manager, Lynne Gomez, Executive Assistant to Bankwell’s CEO, Lucy French, Bankwell Marketing Associate and Bliss Kern, CT Humane Society Westport District Manager.
As part of Bankwell’s ongoing Pet Adoption Project, following a 3-month collection of pet supplies at the bank’s nine branches and select pet store locations throughout the state, Bankwell on June 30 donated goods to the Connecticut Humane Society. Bankwell also donated a check totaling $2,948 to the organization as a result of a matching donation program spearheaded by the bank.
Street Fight Magazine, which covers local marketing, published an interview with Michael Dinan (me), NewCanaanite.com owner and editor.
One month after sober house operators and neighbors failed to reach an accord, the Zoning Board of Appeals this week denied a West Road man’s appeal of the town planner’s decision to allow the for-profit business to operate in a residential zone without obtaining special or health permits.
The New Canaan Historical Society announced its officers for the 2017-2019 term: Mark Markiewicz returns for his second term as president; Tom Nissley is vice president; Tom Monahan continues as treasurer; and Frances Wilson is secretary. In addition, five new members have joined the Board: John Emert, a retired financial services lawyer and former Democratic Town Councilman; Donna Gorman, interior designer and owner of See Design; Matthew Ivanhoe, founder of The Cultivated Collector, a New Canaan-based business focusing on the curation and sales of investment-grade collectible automobiles; Cathy Kangas, owner of PRAI Beauty Group, a global skincare line based in New Canaan; and Inger Stringfellow, a realtor with William Pitt Sotheby’s.
New Canaan will hold a “Household Hazardous Waste Day” on Sept. 16 at the town’s Water Pollution Control Facility, following a unanimous decision of the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday.
A 21-year-old New Canaan man last week was cited for minor drug violations after an officer on patrol in Mead Park spotted an unoccupied car there and then found the resident behind a trailer. The man admitted that he had smoked marijuana and police found a pipe.
Finally, the selectmen this week approved a $58,530 contract with a Plainville-based company to install guardrails on both sides of Ponus Ridge along a stretch that runs between Dan’s Highway and Lost District Drive.