Did You Hear … ?

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The town on June 15 received a “Notice of Deficit and Injury” filed on behalf of a local woman who suffered a “broken nose, severe head and facial contusions, abrasions, hematoma, bleeding in her eye [and] knee injury” because of a poorly maintained walkway out front of New Canaan High School.

This is a photo that came with the notice. It came as a color photo but I had to photocopy it, sorry. Anyway you can see where the attorney appears to have circled the perilous area out front of the main entrance to NCHS, where this woman must have fallen down a few months ago.

According to the notice—filed on behalf of a Parting Brook Road woman by Ridgefield-based Reilly Law Firm— a “protruding, bent, defective and uneven metal trim piece at the border of a paved walkway and grass outside the main entrance” amounts to a “defective sidewalk” that at about 6:45 p.m. on April 27 caused the woman to suffer “personal injuries,” presumably by falling down. The notice said the metal trim piece is located where red-colored paving stones meet grass, about 65 feet west of the building’s glass doors.


Police cited a 23-year-old Queens, N.Y. man for possession of less than .5 ounces of marijuana after an officer working at the main entrance to Waveny on South Avenue spotted him walking into the park for the fireworks on Tuesday with a joint tucked behind his ear.


The Animal Control section of the New Canaan Police Department at about 10:15 a.m. on June 28 responded to the New Canaan YMCA on a report that five or six sparrows were trapped inside the South Avenue facility’s new pool area. According to Animal Control Officer Allyson Halm, the Y did all they could to trap and remove the birds responsibly, including contacting what’s called a “nuisance wildlife control officer.” The birds may have made the area their temporary home during construction, officials said.


A pair of important community events will unfold next Wednesday night, July 12. The New Canaan Library’s annual membership meeting is to be held starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Lamb Room and is open to the public. Meanwhile, the Republican Town Committee’s second debate for candidates seeking GOP backing for the offices of first selectman, selectman and town councilman will be held at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.


A Carter Street homeowner is seeking to evict a tenant from a living unit in her garage. According to a complaint filed May 31, the tenant on Feb. 1, 2013 moved into the garage unit under an agreement to pay $1,600 on the first day of each month. The May 2017 rent never came, the complaint said, and the defendant—a man—didn’t leave following a May 15 notice to quit the premises by May 22.

New Canaan Thrift Shop. Contributed


The New Canaan Thrift Shop at Main and Locust is seeking volunteers to help run the operation for a few hours per week. All proceeds from the sale of donated items at the Thrift Shop directly benefit the home health and hospice patients of Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County. To volunteer, call Laurie Petrasanta, volunteer coordinator for VNHFC, at 203-761-8958, ext. 316.


Police at 9:47 p.m. on Monday cited a 19-year-old motorist and his 18-year-old passenger for possession of less than .5 ounces of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after an officer smelled marijuana during a traffic stop. The driver had made an improper turn from Route 123 onto Hoyt Farm Road. The same infraction-level drug charges at about 6:20 p.m. Tuesday were brought against a 20-year-old man found to have pot in his car while parked at the Talmadge Hill Train Station lot.


Buy your tickets now, folks: the Summer Theatre of New Canaan’s principal show, “Singin’ in the Rain,” opens this week, running Thursdays to Sundays through July 30.

Mimi Conway (mother of Griffin Conway) and Dylan Miles (scholarship recipient). Contributed


Congratulations to Dylan Miles on winning the Griffin Conway Memorial Scholarship, established in 2014 to honor and celebrate the life of a New Canaan High School graduate. The $1,000 scholarship goes to a NCHS senior who has “demonstrated leadership and passion for the New Canaan YMCA Basketball League.” Conway himself had been a longtime Y-Ball participant who promoted sportsmanship and teamwork as a player and volunteer coach. Miles is headed to Florida Atlantic University.

“Trees, ducks. What the [expletive] are you, Ranger Rick? I’ll tell you, some job you shrinks got. You think everybody is lying to you while you’re pulling scams on them. [Expletive] you!” — Tony Soprano, Season 1


Finally, a nice story: On Saturday, a White Oak Shade Road resident phoned police to report a mother duck and three hatchlings in the pool, with three eggs yet-to-hatch nearby. Animal Control Officer Jillian Bosch waited one day for those three eggs to hatch, and then visited the property to relocate the family safely. It’s against the law to separate a mama duck from her babies, but it can be done if she follows the person transporting them. That’s what happened here, with the mother duck following Bosch officer up Main Street and into Lakeview Cemetery.

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