Letter: Town Council Candidate Rich Townsend Will Make Schools a Top Priority

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Let’s get this out of the way: I am utterly biased in believing that Rich Townsend would be a great addition to Town Council. He’s a great guy—one of the very best. He is also my dad.

Here’s the thing, I am biased, but I am also right. I have worked with Rich professionally for almost a decade, so perhaps my view is more well-rounded than most daughters. He is fair-minded and has a gift for listening. He’s the consummate team player, but unafraid to stand by his opinions when he believes he is right. He has run companies and his life by the principles of fiscal discipline, prudent prioritization, and common sense.

The reason we moved back to New Canaan is the same that brought my parents here 23 years ago—the superior schools make this the perfect town for growing children.

Over the years and through the kids, Rich has been an East Eagle, a South Paw and a Westy Whale. He cheered our Saxe theatrical efforts and clapped the loudest at our NCHS graduations. His commitment to New Canaan schools is deep and abiding.

But what about our neighbors without kids in New Canaan schools? The schools are a great investment for them, too. New Canaan property values are measurably higher due to our top ranked schools.

New Canaan would be well served to have Rich Townsend on Town Council.

Elizabeth DeMuth

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