Summer’s Over: New Canaan Headed ‘Back To School’ [VIDEO]

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Many thanks to Phil Williams and Jim O’Neill of New Canaan Music for putting together this little ditty on such short notice.

Wednesday marks the first day of school, so we headed out to town to catch up with local students to talk about how their summers went and how they’re feeling about the start of a new academic year.

What follows is the full text of interim Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi’s “Welcome to the School Year” note to parents and students.

Dear students and parents,

I hope that you and your loved ones are enjoying the remaining days of a wonderful summer. In these last months, faculty, staff and administrators have been busily preparing our facilities, curriculum, and technology departments for a great school year.  As the summer begins to wane and opening day approaches, I hope you share our eager anticipation of another year full of exciting opportunities and limitless possibilities. 

For the past three years, I have had the honor of serving as the principal of New Canaan High School.  This year, as superintendent, I look forward to learning even more about the entire district, K-12, and to working with all stakeholders as we continue the tradition of excellence that has come to define the New Canaan Public Schools.  We are very proud of the great work we do each day with our students, and we look forward to even greater things in the future. 

The excellence of the New Canaan school system does not exist in isolation or by chance: it is an explicit goal in all that we do. As a result, student performance in academics, athletics, the arts, and other worthwhile endeavors are consistently the strongest in the state and, often, the nation.  As we continue to look forward to the challenges and opportunities in store for our students, we gladly accept the awesome responsibility of preparing every child to succeed, and excel, in the dynamic and complex world ahead. 

One of the things I’ve learned throughout my career is that the strength of a school’s culture flows from a shared vision among staff, students, parents, and the community.  I believe the same holds true at a district level.  Here in New Canaan, it is quite clear that our entire community honors and celebrates students as individuals, values the passion and dedication of the staff, welcomes the partnership between parents and teachers, and respects the community as collaborators in the educational process. In such an environment, incredible things are possible – as we see each and every year – and as I am confident we will see again throughout 2014-15. 

Our first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 27, 2014.  Until that first day, I hope you and your family enjoy each of the remaining days of your summer vacation.  

I look forward to another wonderful school year together! 

My very best,                                                         

Bryan D. Luizzi, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools (Interim)

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