School Buildings Should Be Ready for Kids on First Day of School

New Canaan’s public school buildings “are looking great” and should be ready for students when school starts, Jo-Anne Keating, the director of finance and operations for the school system recently told the Board of Education. “Everything is clean or getting there,” Keating told the board at its Aug. 17 meeting. “We’ll be ready for the kids.” School starts Thursday, Aug.

Enrollment Roughly as Predicted for New Canaan’s Upcoming School Year

Enrollment as of 10 days before the start of school in New Canaan is up 44 students for Saxe Middle School, down 14 students in the town’s elementary schools and up 38 students for the district as a whole. Those figures, as of Aug. 17, which is 10 days before the Aug. 27 first day of school, were part of enrollment tables shown by district officials to the Board of Education at its meeting on Monday. Those numbers can change before the school year begins, said Gary Kass, director of human resources for the district, who presented the enrollment data to the Board of Education at its meeting on Monday.

School Starts Aug 27, Supply Lists Published, Tax-Free Week Thru Aug 22

The first day of school in New Canaan, Thursday, Aug. 27, is less than two weeks away, and if parents haven’t got kids’ school supplies yet, the time is now. New Canaan Public Schools has published lists of school supplies to buy for students in each elementary schools (but not Saxe Middle School or the high school) on this Web page, or you can go directly to the lists (in PDF format) here:

East Elementary School
South Elementary School
West Elementary School

Connecticut Tax-Free Week starts on Sunday and means you won’t be paying the state sales tax on most items of clothing priced (or sale priced) at less than $100. The state won’t charge for taxes through the week (ending Saturday, Aug. 22).

Summer’s Over: New Canaan Headed ‘Back To School’ [VIDEO]

New Canaan-Back to School 2014
Many thanks to Phil Williams and Jim O’Neill of New Canaan Music for putting together this little ditty on such short notice. Wednesday marks the first day of school, so we headed out to town to catch up with local students to talk about how their summers went and how they’re feeling about the start of a new academic year. What follows is the full text of interim Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi’s “Welcome to the School Year” note to parents and students. Dear students and parents,

I hope that you and your loved ones are enjoying the remaining days of a wonderful summer. In these last months, faculty, staff and administrators have been busily preparing our facilities, curriculum, and technology departments for a great school year.  As the summer begins to wane and opening day approaches, I hope you share our eager anticipation of another year full of exciting opportunities and limitless possibilities. 

For the past three years, I have had the honor of serving as the principal of New Canaan High School.  This year, as superintendent, I look forward to learning even more about the entire district, K-12, and to working with all stakeholders as we continue the tradition of excellence that has come to define the New Canaan Public Schools.  We are very proud of the great work we do each day with our students, and we look forward to even greater things in the future. 

The excellence of the New Canaan school system does not exist in isolation or by chance: it is an explicit goal in all that we do.