Op-Ed: Install Cameras at Waveny’s Entrances Now

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We have all recently learned that Waveny Park has more police incidents than Irwin, Mead and Kiwanis parks combined. This is clearly a disturbing situation that we need to act upon as soon as possible.

Today’s college campuses are like miniature cities. My campus where I teach, has more than 17,000 students, faculty and staff who need to be safe and secure every hour of every day. Those of you whose children are attending our universities right now, are depending on us to take every measure possible to protect them from harm—without delay. We can accept no less here in New Canaan.

We know a new report is being compiled that looks at the situation at Waveny Park and makes specific recommendations including cameras, and we expect that this report will be made public in September. While some have said that we should take our time and go slow on making things safer, safety is and always must be a priority. Funding must be authorized, and the recommendations implemented without delay.

Nor, can we or should we stop there. The New Canaan Police Commission “…manages and supervises the Police Department and appoints the Chief of Police and subordinate police officers,” an important and vital role in town.

But we can do better: we must not be satisfied with being reactive, we must be proactive. We need a standing Public Safety Commission that studies and reviews, makes reports, holds hearings, and makes recommendations to the Town Council on matters relating to public safety all across New Canaan. Clearly, we need it now.

One thought on “Op-Ed: Install Cameras at Waveny’s Entrances Now

  1. Thank you Craig for your common sense words. I believe that your voice is needed in New Canaan and I am supporting you for First Selectman!

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