Letter: Grace Farms Has Misled Community on Scope, Intensity of Operations

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To the Editor:

Some New Canaan residents are suggesting that, as far as Grace Farms is concerned, the end justifies the means, and that our community should overlook its misdeeds because of what they feel they may get out of Grace Farms today and in the future.

While such people are entitled to their opinions, they are not entitled to mischaracterize the facts, namely, that Grace Farms and its directors have for 9 years grossly misled the New Canaan community and Planning & Zoning authorities with regards to the scope and intensity of its operations.

We are hopeful that the P&Z understands that the Second Amended Special Permit application that Grace Farms recently submitted is based upon a fairy tale that they are trying to spin as just innocent confusion. The fact is that when it mattered for Grace to get its permits, they insisted that their activities had not changed from their original application in 2007 and that the use of the property would be limited to church and ancillary activities, while at the very same time telling major news outlets that this was not a church at all. Even the Japanese architects who designed and built the River building say they now understand that this is what Grace had in mind all along.

We look forward to the October 25 P&Z public hearing, where we and other members of the community will respond fully to the claims made by Grace Foundation in its Second Amended Special Permit application.


Paul Ostling and Danita Ostling
Donald Bissonnette and Emiko Bissonnette
Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette
Michael Buczkiewicz and Jennifer Buczkiewicz
David Markatos and Jennifer Holme

19 thoughts on “Letter: Grace Farms Has Misled Community on Scope, Intensity of Operations

  1. Thank you for standing up to Grace Church.
    They lied to the town, the public and the media with a different story to appease each.
    I have never set foot inside their compound and I suggest fellow NewCanaanites stop going and supporting an organization that is out for its own interests above all else.
    Grace Church lied and they deserve nothing more from the town they lied to.

  2. I guess the property would have been better developed into: golf course, 10 very large houses, private school campus, senior care facality or a large multi-housing complex. All the above uses were entertained by the last owner who thought a religious/community based organization was certainly the best for New Canaan and its neighbors. It is approx 74 acres of which I believe only 5 have been built on. Just saying

  3. You mention that “people are entitled to their opinions,” but to say that Grace Farms “grossly misled” the New Canaan community is also just that, an opinion.

  4. I enjoy going to church at Grace Farms. The music and message there is very inspiring. They are open to all faiths and denominations. They have great programs for the young children and teens. They also help victims of human trafficking , voulenteer at the homeless shelter and help people out where there is a need. Maybe if the neighbors attended a service there they would feel differently towards it. The church is a distance far enough away from the surrounding neighbors where I don’t see how it could bother them. Prehaps the neibors that it bothers should move. I used to live in the house in front of the feild club in New Canaan. They would have party’s and make noise and park on our lawn and up and down the street and walk on our lawn. It bothered us but we couldn’t make the feild club move. We ended up moving. Problem solved.

  5. I’ve never heard so much rubbish over Grace Farms. If you’ve never been there how can one determine what they have to offer? I’ve been to Grace Farms quite a bit and find nothing wrong with the programs.
    I sense a bit of paranoia after reading these letters. What is everyone worried about when what is offered is nothing but good. What really amazes me is that some folks think it’s some kind of a cult, WHAT?
    I think it would behoove you to take inventory on yourself.

  6. Imagine New Canaan without our town pool, Irwin Park, Dunning stadium, turf fields at the water tower, updated New Canaan High School and the list goes on. Grace Farms is an amazing gift that has been given to the residents of New Canaan and surrounding communities. All of the above projects were challenged by the NIMBY folks and we as a community are lucky to have all of them. Change is healthy people! Instead of attacking the most giving group of people to New Canaan since the Laphams let’s all come together and say Thank you to Grace Farms. What a gift, what a foundation! Truly an Amazing place that everyone should visit, and it’s FREE!!

    • Grace Church is not a town-run public facility. It is a church. A church that blatantly lied in its application to the town. If they get the exemption they are seeking then St. Marks, First Pres., and every other church in town can do the same.
      And the land was not preserved as open space or given to the town, it is owned by a church who uses it to raise money for itself.
      Just because a group does good for some does not mean they are above town laws.

      • It is not a church it is a foundation that gives space to a church !! It is also open to everyone and free to use. Open your eyes man this is the best thing to happen to New Canaan in it’s history! Stop complaining and start thanking Grace Farms

        • I think the people who oppose what the Church has done and how they misrepresented their mission have many valid points. I don’t think it’s the best thing to happen to our town at all. Not even close.

          And I don’t think people who oppose it are solely concerned about their property values. Although they have every right to be concerned.

      • You are wrong yet again Scott E Grace Church is separate from Grace Farms stop writing incorrect information. Grace Church does not own the land and is allowed to use the facilities like many other organizations do. Please get your facts correct. The complaint its against Grace Farms and overall use of the property. You are attacking a community church without merit and need to spend time understanding the issue and how Grace Farms Foundation functions.

  7. The Grace Farms complaint filed by the residents is an embarrassment to the intelligence of the citizens of New Canaan. Every town in CT would be jumping to have a philanthropist purchase a large parcel of land , preserve the bulk of the acreage and then enlist a world renowned architect to build a community center with activities that benefit all residents. What a disaster we have on our hands..how dare they try to make a some grilled cheese sandwiches and serve some soup too.. I mean they must be the devil incarnate! NC should be jumping thru hoops to accommodate Grace Farms and what they are offering us, not slapping them with restrictions because a few people are unhappy that their current Zillow valuation. Total disgrace on the part of the people attaching their name to the complaint. ( I have no affiliation whatsoever to Grace Farms, but I have bee to explore the grounds and go ice skating with my family…and yes, we succumbed to the sin of all sins that they offered…we loved the hot chocolate. )

    • Do you know they hire a caterer to serve the amazing hot chocolate?? I think you are misinformed. Most churches don’t have large catered affairs on basically a monthly basis that involves staff, their cars, trucks and equipment?

      The biggest mistake is that the Town of New Canaan didn’t purchase the land and make it a park or community center. At least then it would be cut and dry with regard to what they are allowed to do.

  8. Are they tax exempt for being a “church”? Are the taxes different for being a “church”? Were plans shown to P&Z for what has been built on the property?

  9. Unbelievable!!! All the NIMBY folks are speaking. You should be embarrassed to post such BS. Greatest gift NC has ever received thank-you Grace Farms!! You have given and given we the people of NC are so thank full , please don’t listen to a few NIMBY neighbors, you are amazing

    • Uh…no. I don’t know what NIMBY is nor do I care. Grace Farms mislead the P+Z and the Town on their initial application and hopefully they will not be granted a permit to continue to host fundraisers every week (that is what they are doing). I am not thankful for Grace Farms, and not everyone in Town is either.

  10. I live in New Canaan and I am an active member of the community, and a parent. Grace Farms does not benefit me in any way. It’s great that you like it. I dont have the same feeling. I also don’t like that they lied to the town about what they wanted to do on site. The neighbors have the right to be upset and bring their argument to P+Z and I support them in doing so. Grace Farms wants to be a world famous public space-but why should that be more important than the taxpayers inconvenience? Especially when it’s become apparent they weren’t truthful in their applications for zoning.

  11. Funny how your initials EB are the same as a neighbor who singed the original letter hmmmm just a coincidence I’m sure lol

    • Lol. No, please take several seats. I have not signed anything regarding Grace Farms nor been to one meeting on it. I think the organization is flawed and so was their application. Hopefully they will not be able to pursue their original, yet cleverly hidden goal of being a ‘world famous’ public space with fundraisers every month. If they wanted to be a think tank community center, they should have put it in their original application. A church is one thing, and guaranteed any other church in town would be shut down if they tried doing what Grace is. Can’t have it both ways all the time.

      It’s ok to not agree with my opinion, but hopefully P+Z will realize that what’s happening at Grace isn’t appropriate and take the actions needed.

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