Letter: Kevin Moynihan for First Selectman 

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As an unaffiliated voter and a New Canaan resident for 27 years, I have supported many Democrats and Republicans in our town. It never matters to me which party they belong to. What matters most to me is the character of the person, a commitment to the job, and doing what’s best for this great town of ours.

I have known Kevin Moynihan for over seven years now. He was one of the first leaders in town to embrace Grace Farms Foundation and understand the value of Grace Farms to the New Canaan community back in 2012—many years before it opened. Kevin supports open land, additional parking spaces, cell towers to improve coverage for all residents, a top-notch school system, and providing the best town service to our residents and guests. Kevin does this while keeping an eye on finances and minimizing waste. I know this, because I have been a colleague of Kevin’s on the Board of Finance for the past two years.  He doesn’t care about your political affiliation as long as you can help make New Canaan an even better town. I know. I was appointed by Kevin to be the first unaffiliated member of the Board of Finance in the history of New Canaan.

When I go to the voting booth next month, I will be voting for both Republicans and Democrats, depending on who I believe is the best candidate for each position. For first selectman, that person is Kevin Moynihan.

Michael Chen

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