Letter: First Selectman Candidate Kevin Moynihan ‘A True Leader’

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Please join me in supporting Kevin Moynihan as first selectman and the entire Republican slate as they transition into Town Hall in November.

Kevin is uniquely qualified to serve as first selectman and will represent each resident as a leader on key issues. Over the 20 years that I have known Kevin and his wonderful spouse, Mim, I have been genuinely impressed by his willingness and attitude to find the underlying cause of complex issues and solving problems. His charismatic leadership, integrity, abilities and tenacity are worthy qualities.

Educated at Georgetown and Boston College, Kevin retired after a successful legal career with key corporations in the financial arena. Kevin’s extensive private sector experience combined with his knowledge of local politics will serve our town very well. Both his legal background and interpersonal skills are key attributes for the top position in New Canaan’s government.

Kevin’s fiscally conservative stance will be crucial to the town’s financial health. He understands that financial issues are a top priority of New Canaan’s residents and he understands the need to keep spending in check so that New Canaan stays affordable for its current residents. He also knows the town’s need to attract young families to our town.

He has the resolve to address town issues such as cell tower installations, natural gas availability and financial transparency that are long overdue for resolution. Kevin is a true leader, not a divider. This is exactly what New Canaan needs.

Nick Yanicelli

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