Letter: Kit Devereaux Has Concrete Plans To Stabilize Taxes, Improve Cell Service and Parking

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To the Editor:

Heraclitus said that change is the only constant in life. Some changes in the nation have been distressing to all of us. New Canaan has an opportunity to make a change in a better direction this November 7th.

Kit Devereaux is running for first selectman. She would be our first first selectman with an MBA and deep financial experience. Kit has served on the Board of Finance, and on the Town Council, where she served on the Best Practices for Municipal Budgeting Committee, among others. In her many, many leadership roles with local nonprofits, she has looked carefully at their finances and budgeting, all the while balancing prudence with the mission and responsibilities of the organizations. Amazingly in this day and age, she has done this collaboratively, transparently, and civilly, respectfully listening to all points of view.

Kit Devereaux doesn’t just talk. Kit has concrete plans to stabilize our taxes and improve our deficiencies in areas such as cell service and parking. I encourage you to go to her website www.kitforfirst.com.

Local politics do not have to be divisive. Vote for the best person for the job. Vote for Kit.

Toddy Turrentine

One thought on “Letter: Kit Devereaux Has Concrete Plans To Stabilize Taxes, Improve Cell Service and Parking

  1. Kit has invested decades of service to our town. I cannot imagine anyone more qualified or better prepared to be First Selectman.

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