To the Editor:
I don’t often write letters endorsing candidates because, like many of you who have lived and volunteered in this town for several decades, we are friends, neighbors, and volunteers who work and live harmoniously for 364 days of the year.
On Election Day, however, we must decide among many well-qualified candidates from both sides. Some vote strictly by party, others do not.
For this year’s race I highly recommend Colm Dobbyn for Town Council. He has lived in New Canaan for 26 years, has served on Inland Wetlands Commission for 14 years, while raising two children and brings to the table a sharp analytical mind. Colm can focus on the issues, rather than play politics. His only agenda is to do the best he can to serve all of us to make New Canaan a fine community.
According to the town website, the primary responsibilities of Town Council encompass bylaws, ordinances and approval of appropriations. These are all skill sets that Colm Dobbyn possesses. The Town Council has the authority to approve, disapprove, or reduce appropriations recommended by the Board of Finance, including, but not limited to, the annual town budget.
As a corporate attorney with over 30 years’ experience, Colm manages a global team of about 20 professionals and exercises budgetary authority over significant expenditures. Clearly, he is a leader as well as a team player. He knows how to get things done.
Certainly, we residents will benefit from Colm’s expertise and sense of fairness. Please vote for him.
Betty J. Lovastik