24 thoughts on “After 52 Years on the Job, New Canaan Police Lt. Bill Ferri To Retire at Month’s End

  1. Thank you so much for your service. You are one of a kind! All the best to you in the future. Keep the passion that you have – it is very rare these days.

  2. Bill is one of New Canaan’s finest ever…the community will miss you. Thank you for your service to our country and our town.

  3. Thank you for your service to America and the New Canaan Police Department. You will be certainly missed! Enjoy your retirement!

  4. Thank you, Bill, for watching over my boys when they were growing up, especially
    “Jimmie ” who just called me with the news. You will always be a special part of his high school years!

  5. Congrats on your retirement, Hope you and Rita have a wonderful time, Thank you for 52 yrs of serving the people of New Canaan, Will always remember the talks we had in Libby’s late at night,Enjoy your time off.

  6. Thank you, Bill. You have always been there for everyone, every single time. And most especially, thank you for all your help and “partnership” with New Canaan EMS – always there, every single time. Enjoy the next chapter in your life.

  7. Congratulations Bill! I loved working with you 30 of those great years. So many wonderful times and we weathered a lot of storms. 174 South Av will never be the same without you. Lucky for the town I know you will continue to be a huge and meaningful presence. Wishing you and your family all the best!

  8. Thank you for setting such a great example for younger Police Officers like myself to follow. You did the job the right way, with integrity, bravery and compassion.

  9. Congratulations Bill for your many years of serving the New Canaan community and keeping it a safer place for all of us to live…
    will also miss seeing you walking on South Avenue

  10. To my favorite LT FERRI,
    Wow ! What an amazing career you’ve had !
    52 years of service to your community serving everyone, young and old, while helping lots of teens; teaching them life’s golden lessons.
    I’m so proud to call you my true friend and know you will be enjoying your retirement with your beautiful wife Rita, your daughters and their families. Thank you Bill for your brave service to our country and in Vietnam Nam,
    you are a special one of a kind dedicated man. Have Fun and Enjoy…
    YOU ARE THE BEST !! ♥️ 🇺🇸

  11. Mr. Ferri, you not only impacted the community of New Canaan, but Stamford as well. You were the coolest adult in the neighborhood and all of us that grew up in the ‘80’s will remember you playing kickball with us in the cul-da-sac. You helped me get into West Point with your recommendation letter and inspired me to serve in the Army. From one soldier to another, well done Sir! Christopher W. Muller, Colonel (retired), US Army

  12. We were in New Canaan for one day, we had a problem and you helped us by transforming an imperilment into an adventure !
    A delightful story that had been told ever since with loads of color and anecdotal facts! And that will stay forever with us.

    All all need humanity, humor and care . You were all.

    Thank you

  13. I just finished reading Stamford native and former New Canaan High School principal Tony Pavia’s book, he co-wrote with his son Matt-An American Town and the Vietnam War-Stories of Service from Stamford, Connecticut.

    It’s a fascinating read of first person accounts of the many Stamford boys who served in Vietnam and it also profiles the twenty-nine soldiers who did not return home.

    Pages 48-51 chronicle 19 year old Bill Ferri’s tour of duty in Vietnam; where he was deployed out in the jungle and survived one battle where 180 Americans were killed. He also did very heroic work tracking our causalities after each battle and working in conjunction with Graves Registration.

    In his own words Bill returned home from Vietnam by flying into Newark, N. J. from San Francisco and took a bus to NYC. He then he walked to Grand Central still in his Army uniform and got on a train home to Stamford.
    He surprised his family and just dropped into his father’s store on West Main Street with all his neighbors screaming “Billy’s home’
    It’s an amazing and modest story!!

    In my view, for young Bill Ferri to be in a position to become a New Canaan police officer within six months of returning from the hell of ‘Nam, is an incredible achievement; and really says a lot about his strength and character.
    AND THEN to serve our town for 52 years and 4 months and adapt to all the changes since he joined the force in ’67 is even more remarkable!

    I really enjoyed the video of him signing-off on his patrol car radio.
    Again he did it in a very humble and modest way.
    We won’t see the likes of a man like that again.

    Thank-You Lt. Ferri and please enjoy your well deserved retirement

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