Letter: Kevin Moynihan for First Selectman

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Dear Editor,

I back Kevin Moynihan’s second term based on his track record of accomplishment.

As a conservation-minded citizen, Kevin shepherded the Land Acquisition Fund ordinance through the Town Council. With the conception of the Waveny Park Conservancy, Kevin showed his support for the preservation and stewardship of open space through both private and public means.

The Land Acquisition Fund will help maintain the scenic rural character of our village—as clearly laid out in the Plan for Conservation and Development. Regular funding is now part of our budget process based on the understanding that strategic land acquisition opportunities (think 600+ acres of Water Company lands) come about irregularly and are lost forever if not addressed in a timely, prepared manner.

The Waveny Park Conservancy has gone from strength to strength in public-private partnership, now undertaking restoration of the pond, creating a wildflower meadow beyond, and all enhanced by wonderful walking trails.

On historic preservation, Kevin played a direct role in dissuading Norwalk’s First District Water Department from demolishing the antique Grupes-Browne House on Valley Road. On the sustainability and resiliency front, Kevin led the installation of solar panels on five town buildings and expanded of gas service to the town center.

As first selectman, Moynihan followed through on his vision for preserving the natural and scenic beauty of New Canaan. Open space, woodlands and water supplies are our greatest natural resources shared with the wildlife kingdom about us. Once gone, they never come back. Under Kevin’s leadership, New Canaan can become a model for long term preservation, sustainability and resiliency.

Lets keep the spirit of conservation going. Re-Elect Kevin Moynihan as first selectman.

Chris Schipper

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