DPW to Business, Property Owners: Help Keep Roadways, Sidewalks Clear of Snow, Ice

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The following bulletin has been issued by the New Canaan Department of Public Works, as Winter Storm Pax bears down on New Canaan. It’s expected to leave a foot or more of snow and ice in its wake.

Residential and Business Property Owners:  Please help keep our roadways clear of snow and ice.

In many instances, upon clearing snow from our roadways, our DPW crews are faced with icing conditions caused by private snow removal companies plowing snow into or across our roadways.  Our Town Code states that no person shall place any snow or ice into any highway within the Town. Failure to do so shall result in the Owner being subject to a fine not exceeding $200 for each occurrence and for each day the material remains in place.  Please inform your private contractors of our concerns and help us keep our roadways safe.

Local Business Owners and Owners of Property in the Retail or Business Zones in Town:  Please help keep our sidewalks clear of snow and ice.

Snow and Ice Removal from Sidewalks in the Retail or Business Zones is the responsibility of the Property Owner and/or Business Owner directly abutting the sidewalk.  Snow and ice shall be removed as soon as reasonably practical, but no later than six hours after it has stopped falling, been deposited or formed.  Failure to do so shall result in the Owner being subject to a fine not exceeding $200 for each occurrence and for each day the material remains in place.  (Taken from Section 54-48 of the Town Code).

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