The Planning & Zoning Commission during a special meeting on Monday night reviewed some 65 yet-to-be-released conditions that it is considering as part of an approval for the closely followed Merritt Village proposal. Though still in draft form and therefore not public, the approval P&Z discussed appears to land on 105 total units at the proposed development. The specter of an affordable housing application looms over the project, should property owner M2 Partners and the town fail to reach a compromise.

A modified proposed Merritt Village complex in New Canaan. Courtesy of SLAM Collaborative
During an interview after the P&Z meeting, New Canaan resident and would-be Merritt Village builder Arnold Karp said he and his partners “have sat through six months of hearings.”
“We went from 160 to 140 to 123 to 116 to get 105? That doesn’t sit that well with myself or my partners, because it’s way too arbitrary and capricious,” Karp told “You can’t cut that much—20 percent out of a project—and think anybody will be happy with it. Three-and-a-half stories, I understand. The visual will be great. Five years from now, it will be the best project the town has ever seen.” P&Z is expected to make its decision final at its Nov. 29 meeting.

An SUV remained in the roadway on the night of Nov. 7, 2016 while accident reconstruction experts arrived at Harrison and South Avenues, where two pedestrians had been struck by the vehicle. Credit: Michael Dinan
New Canaan Police say the two pedestrians struck by a Volvo SUV at South and Harrison Avenues last Monday night are town residents, a man and woman in their late-50s.
The police investigation is active, and it isn’t clear what is the condition of the more seriously injured pedestrian.
Monsignor William Scheyd of St. Aloysius Church at the Police Commission meeting on Wednesday night said that the organization is thinking of putting up a new building on its own property. “We thought we might put a new building in the area,” Scheyd said. “We are thinking about doing something which will enhance our present facilities.”
The Board of Finance on Tuesday night elected John Sheffield as its chairman. The first-ever such vote for the town funding body followed a change to the Town Charter supported last week by electors 5,111-3,323.

Some people brought a little reading material for the picnicking portion of the New Canaan Family Fourth 2015 at Waveny. Credit: Michael Dinan
The Family Fourth at Waveny took in $3,000-plus more money year-over-year in 2016, and as a result the volunteer committee that runs the hugely popular community event is eyeing about 20 percent more fireworks for July 4, 2017 (a Tuesday). According to Tom Stadler, chairman of the Family Fourth Committee, the Exchange Club of New Canaan will be invited to return in 2017 to sell ice cream, soda and water at New Canaan’s Independence Day celebration. Food trucks will also return after a successful first year, though the Good Humor truck will not be among them, officials said.
Police Chief Leon Krolikowski reported at Wednesday’s Police Commission meeting the year-to-date DUIs in New Canaan are up 38 over 25 from 2015, while family disputes (59 from 40) and larcenies from vehicles (31 from 18) also have seen increases from the same period in 2015.
The Board of Selectmen last Friday approved $72,000 for a new Ford pickup truck with a hook lift and other attachments. The DPW will trade in its current, 2002 F550 model which had problems with its engine. “We got a lemon,” parks superintendent John Howe said at the selectmen’s special meeting, held in Town Hall. The truck is heavily used in the winter for spreading salt and sand, he said.

The Parking Commission, L-R: Stuart Stringfellow, Pam Crum, Peter Ogilvie, Rick Franco, Parking Bureau Superintendent Stacy Miltenberg and commission Chairman Keith Richey. Credit: Michael Dinan
The Parking Commission at a special meeting last Thursday night bid farewell to Rick Franco, a member of the group for 23 years. Commission Chairman Keith Richey said of Franco: “Everything you have always done is for the best interests of the town. We do not give out award or medals around here, but if we did you would deserve one.”
Said Franco: “I hope that things were more or less comfortable. It was comfortable for me. And I know we each have our own position on things, but the positions are not being ventured because of our own personal situation, but they are being projected rather for what we think is good for the town and that is why we say them. That’s why I say them and I believe that is why you say them. So thank you.”
To be honored as 2017’s “fall guy” by the Gridiron Club, Franco also received special thanks—and a standing ovation—on Wednesday night from the Town Council, for his many years of service to New Canaan. Chairman Bill Walbert referred to Franco as “the unofficial mayor of Elm Street.”
The New Canaan Police Department from Nov. 21 to 28 will participate in the statewide high visibility seat belt enforcement campaign “Click it or Ticket.” Designed to promote safe driving and increase protection for all motorists, the effort will see officers enforce state occupant protection laws and issuing citations to those who are unbuckled.
Police on Thursday released this information: “Due to the installation of an emergency water line (drought conditions) by Aquarion Water Company, Jelliff Mill Road will be closed east bound at Ponus Ridge for the next 1-2 weeks. Local traffic and school buses will have access. Alternate routes should be used. Vehicles can enter Jelliff Mill Road at Old Stamford Road and travel west bound. Motorists are encouraged to avoid the area completely as delays and full temporary closures should be expected.”
Here’s a video (see below) from Connor deMayo and Andrew Chalon that spotlights some of the New Canaan Land Trust’s properties and is featured in a contest that could see the local nonprofit organization earn up to $10,000—vote here:
Land Is My Community
Uploaded by CDmotionpictures on 2016-09-21.
Finally, here’s a photo gallery spotlighting news items from around town:
The NC Land Trust video was created as part of the NCHS Senior Internship Program. deMayo and Chalon did an awesome job!