A pair of serial escapee dogs from Deep Valley Road on Sept. 13 were found roaming on St. Luke’s School property, where the Animal Control section of the New Canaan Police Department picked up and later impounded the border collie and Australian shepherd. Their owner was fined a total of $334, for two counts each of allowing a dog to roam and failure to license.
Thefts from vehicles in New Canaan were up 60 percent year-over-year in August—from 15 to 24—according to NCPD Chief Leon Krolikowski. “We can’t remind people enough to lock their vehicles and not leave their valuables in them,” he said during the Police Commission meeting on Wednesday night.

L-R: Nancy Geary, Executive Director, New Canaan Historical Society, Susan Serven, Project Director, The Impact Vine, Donna Dearth, Assistant Director, New Canaan Historical Society, Eloise Killeffer, Kiwanis.
New Canaan Historical Society Executive Director Nancy Geary spoke to the Kiwanis Club of New Canaan during the organization’s luncheon meeting on Thursday at South End. Geary, a South Salem, N.Y. resident who took on her new role in April, said she was very impressed with the campus and buildings at the Historical Society. “I had the joy, my first day, of walking around and was amazed at what I saw,” she recalled.
Police at about 4:55 p.m. on Monday cited a 34-year-old Stamford man for possession of marijuana after he was stopped for driving by an officer on Old Stamford Road while holding his cell phone.

The weekend (and weakened) warriors of the 2016 Rich-Mich softball game. Contributed
The 20th Annual Rich-Mich Softball Game will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 24 at St. Luke’s School in the lower baseball field near North Wilton Road. The game has become a New Canaan tradition. Teams are picked at random from those weekend (also weakened) warriors who show up to see if they still have the right stuff, generally local men in their 40s to 60s. All New Canaan men within that age range are invited to come out and play.
A Douglas Road dog is going to be OK after being struck by a motorist just before noon on Sept. 11 near South Avenue and Orchard Drive. The motorist who struck the dog stopped immediately, very concerned, according to Animal Control Officer Allyson Halm. The hunting-type dog apparently had slipped its harness.
A reminder that Bankwell’s Shred Day is to be held 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday.
The New Canaan High School Athletic Department is launching an “Athlete of the Month” recognition program for grades nine through 12. Students will receive a certificate and their photos will be displayed outside the athletic office for the month. Stand by for information on the program’s inaugural winners.
The New Canaan Rotary Club annual Lobsterfest begins at 5 p.m. tonight Sept. 22 at 5:00 pm at the New Canaan Historical Society at 13 Oenoke Ridge. Also open tomorrow, Sept. 23 from 12 to 8 p.m.
One of New Canaan’s Animal Control officers on Sept. 10 spotted a male chocolate Labrador puppy, five months old, in Spencer’s Run that was not neutered yet still had a tag for the dog park on it. Dogs that haven’t been neutered are not eligible for registration with Spencer’s Run, so it’s not clear whose tag it was. The dog hasn’t reappeared there since.

Representatives from the New Canaan Community Foundation Board and the Y in the brand-new café at the renovated and expanded South Avenue facility.
Members of New Canaan Community Foundation’s Board of Directors joined Y Board of Directors President, Peter Skaperdas, and Y Executive Director, Craig Panzano to celebrate the opening of the brand-new café at the Y. The New Canaan Community Foundation supported the Y’s renovation through a grant of $100,000 to help fund the new café which has already begun to serve as a place where community members of all ages, backgrounds, and interests will come together and connect. Following a naming contest among Y members, the Y is thrilled to announce that the café will be known as “Dante’s,” named after the inspiring, funny, and welcoming face of the Y’s soon-to-be 104 year-old Front Desk Attendant, Dante Chicatell. A dedication event will be held at the Y later this year.
A White Oak Shade couple has been issued a warning for failure to license and allowing a dog to roam after their young yellow Labrador retriever was found roaming at White Oak Shade and Putnam Roads for the second time in 10 days on Sept. 18.

Susan Socci of the Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, visited with history students of Mr. Stevenson’s class at New Canaan High School and distributed pocket guides of the U.S. Constitution.
It’s Constitution Week: On Sept. 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitution Convention signed the U.S. Constitution. In 1955, Daughters of the American Revolution petitioned Congress to set aside September 17-23 annually to be dedicated for the observance of Constitution Week. This week, DAR Chapters across the country continue the celebration of Constitution Week by spreading awareness in their local communities. Last week, a member of the local Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter, Susan Socci, visited with history students of Mr. Stevenson‘s class at New Canaan High School and distributed pocket guides of the U.S. Constitution.

L to R: Alex Galvan, Max Koschnitzke, Daniel Lu, Will Gervase, Dylan Wietfeldt, Ben Conley (president), Kyle deMayo (president), Sam Gilman, Grant Morse, Michael Tuffy, Jackson Oehmler, Reid Dahill, Sean Manzella
A reminder that the New Canaan High School Service League of Boys or “SLOBs” will hold its first general meeting of the school year at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 23 in the school’s cafeteria.

Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim (R) with New Canaan DTC’s Bob Smith at the group’s annual picnic, on Sept. 10, 2017. Contributed
Finally, elected officials who addressed attendees at the recent Democrats BBQ in Kiwanis Park included U.S. Rep. Jim Himes as well as Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim. Our original article did not include their names. Himes had been held up in traffic and arrived in the second half of the annual event.