New Construction on Chichester Road Sells for $4 Million

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The following property transfers were recorded last week in the Town Clerk’s office. Click on each address for more information from the Assessor.

June 5

31 Norholt Drive

  • $3,981,025.35
  • 31 Norholt Drive Associates LLC to Alexander Veroude

June 8

Segment A, 56 Forest St.

  • $275,000
  • Anthony Massarella to LJ 18 Properties LLC

527 Smith Ridge Road

  • $600,000
  • Anthony Massarella to New Canaan Land Conservation Trust Inc.
Built in 2014, this 6-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot house at 121 Chichester Road sits on two-plus acres, has five fireplaces and a finished basement. It sold for more than $4 million in June 2015. Assessor photo

Built in 2014, this 6-bedroom, 7,000-square-foot house at 121 Chichester Road sits on two-plus acres, has five fireplaces and a finished basement. It sold for more than $4 million in June 2015. Assessor photo

June 9

121 Chichester Road

  • $4,080,000
  • 121 Chichester LLC to Benjamin Sutton

June 10

68 Benedict Hill Road

  • $760,950
  • HSBC Bank USA National Association Trust to Christopher Preston

June 11

140 Elm Place

  • $2,127,000
  • Marc & Maria Magliacano to Eric & Susan Roddy

528 Canoe Hill Road

  • $1,340,000
  • Frode & Catherine Jensen to John & Carolyn Patten

64 East Ave.

  • $660,000
  • Powell Brothers LLC to Vitti Street Properties LLC

100 Myanos Road

  • $1,690,000
  • Patrick Swearingen to Neale & Michelle Hanover

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