Recognizing New Canaan’s Volunteers: Locals, Community Foundation To Continue Town Tradition

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A group of locals is seeing to it that an important and longstanding tradition—of recognizing those in New Canaan who give of their time through volunteerism—will continue.

The committee that will oversee New Canaan's Volunteer Awards and two representatives from the New Canaan Community Foundation, L-R: Tucker Murphy, Jerry Miller, Cynthia Gorey (NCCF executive director), Eloise Killefer, Tracey Karl and Leo Karl (president of the NCCF board). Credit: Michael Dinan

The committee that will oversee New Canaan’s Volunteer Awards and two representatives from the New Canaan Community Foundation, L-R: Tucker Murphy, Jerry Miller, Cynthia Gorey (NCCF executive director), Eloise Killefer, Tracey Karl and Leo Karl (president of the NCCF board). Credit: Michael Dinan

For nearly 20 years, local volunteers had been honored through a spring program that involved the United Way. When that organization no longer was able to support the effort, locals who served on a committee overseeing the volunteer awards decided to find another way to get recognition for those who have earned it.

“We’re talking about the person who usually flies under the radar, who has been doing something for a long time out of the goodness of their heart,” said Tucker Murphy, a member of the committee.

Now, with generous support from the New Canaan Community Foundation, the awards will go on, with a Nov. 19 reception planned at Town Hall following a nomination period this fall, said Cynthia Gorey, executive diretor of the NCCF.

Gorey said that nominees will be sought for youth and adult volunteers, and both board members who are leaders on nonprofit organizations and “hands-on” volunteers, and she noted that the reception’s date is one week before Thanksgiving.

“In that season of being thankful, we have one more reason to be grateful to be part of this community,” Gorey said. “Residents will be encouraged to attend and celebrate the contributions of the special volunteers who will be honored.”

Area organizations will receive the nomination form by email in early September, and nominations will be due by Oct. 1 via email.

Jerry Miller, a member of the committee that will review submissions and make decisions in early November, said it was a priority to find a “strong sponsor in New Canaan” for the awards.

NCCF President Leo Karl called volunteerism “the spirit of New Canaan.”

“It’s been what has made this community really special for a long time, that people see a need to get something done, and rather than sit around and wait for it, they look in the mirror and get their hands dirty,” Karl said.

And that doesn’t necessarily mean the volunteers are well-known for what they do, said Tracey Karl, another committee member.

“These are the unsung heroes,” she said.

Eloise Killeffer, a committee member and town resident since 1973, traces her own commitment to volunteerism to her family, growing up in Pottstown, Pa.

“That’s what I knew as the responsible thing to do,” Killeffer said. “I had a professional life and did all those things, and I retired. Now on my income tax return, my occupation is listed as ‘professional volunteer.’ ”

To receive a nomination form or for more information, please email

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