The town on May 1 issued permit demolish at 508 Main St., once the site of a 1.5-story home built in 1938, tax records show.

The house that formerly stood at 508 Main St., recently demolished.
Daniel O’Shea bought the .25-acre property two months ago for $600,000, and a building permit soon was issued for a 3,938-square-foot home.
It will include five bedrooms and full baths, two half-baths, a partially finished attic that includes a bedroom, bath and office, 2-car garage and covered porches.

A new, nearly 4,000-square-foot home is planned for the .25-acre property at 508 Main St. Credit: Michael Dinan
The property is located on the east side of Main (opposite the sidewalks), about 400 feet up on the right from the (harrowing) intersection at Old Norwalk, Farm and White Oak Shade roads.
Main Street, described by some as a “new South Avenue” with sidewalks installed that connect it to downtown New Canaan to the north (and soon, to Kiwanis the other way), made headlines here on recently for another construction project—a pair of townhouses at number 474—that’s been well received by neighbors and historic preservationists.
Months after demolishing a 50-year-old Cape on the property, a 3,300-square-foot home will go up at 168 East Cross Road, according to a building permit issued May 1 by the town.
The single-family dwelling—half again as large as the 1953 structure it replaces—will include three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, one half-bath and a 2-bay garage. The estimated cost of construction is $600,000.
East Cross Road is below the Merritt at Ponus Ridge, just where New Canaan merges with Stamford (Springdale) by Darien (Woodway).

Here’s the property at 168 East Cross Road, where a 3,300-square-foot new home is going up. Credit: Michael Dinan
The 1.02-acre property had been sold in June 2012 to Darrin Doust for $575,000, tax records show. The former house—a 1.5-story Cape with four bedrooms and two bathrooms—long had been owned by Donald Murray. The town in October issued a permit for its demolition.
The contractor on the job is Branford-based Renovation & Storm Systems LLC.
Other demolition permits issued include those for 56 Driftway Lane (issued April 26) and 316 North Wilton Road (issued April 30).

The home at 41 Jelliff Mill Road, which preservationists and historians date to the early 18th Century, has been demolished.
The town on May 7 issued a building permit for the “Davenport House” at 41 Jelliff Mill Road.
It’s one of 10 units going up on the property of the former Jelliff Mill—a project booed by some local preservationists who had dated the house that once stood there to the early 18th Century.