Town officials on Monday will hear a Laurel Road resident’s application to expand a deck for a proposed pool cabana.

A close-up of the site plan for 202 Laurel Road, to go before the ZBA on Jan. 5, 2015. Specs by Bedford, N.Y.-based Teodoro Siguenza Architect PLLC.
The project at 202 Laurel Road must come before the Zoning Board of Appeals because a portion of the existing deck—a section of which is to be removed—encroaches on a rear yard setback.
A Dec. 4 letter to the ZBA on behalf of the property owners from Bedford, N.Y.-based Teodoro Siguenza Architect PLLC said several options have been explored for creating the pool cabana and installing it under the existing deck “will work best based on the use and proximity of the pool.”
“Architecturally, you will see that the balance of the building elevation will be better served with the proposed plan,” the Siguenza letter said.
The 1930 ranch-style home is in the 2-acre zone, its assessor field card says.
Specifically, variances are required to sections 3.5.E.2 regarding minimum yard setbacks for principal buildings (see page 58 of the New Canaan Zoning Regulations) and 7.1.B.2.b requiring ZBA approval to enlarge a non-conforming structure (page 136).
According to the Town Planner, a variance in 2008 had been granted for the property to allow for vertical expansion in the area above the garage.
The ZBA will meet at 7 p.m. in the Community Room at the New Canaan Nature Center. Here’s where 202 Laurel Road is: