Yellow Lab on North Wilton Road Bites the Mailman

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A yellow Labrador retriever (New Canaan’s most popular breed of dog, far and away) last Friday morning bit a U.S. Postal Service letter carrier who had approached her North Wilton Road home, police say.

The 9-year-old female dog is undergoing a quarantine on property after puncturing the mailman’s arm during the attack at 10:57 a.m. on Oct. 9, and then biting his leg, according to Animal Control Officer Maryann Kleinschmitt of the New Canaan Police Department.

No action beyond the quarantine (if an animal attacks off-property, then the quarantine must be done at a veterinarian) will be taken at this point, Kleinschmitt said.

Apparently, the mailman approached the house with a box and when the owner opened the door, the Lab came running out and for some reason, attacked, according to a police report. “For whatever reason, she perceived danger and bit him,” Kleinschmitt said.

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