Town Is Buying Five Decorative Lampposts for Morse Court

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New Canaan is purchasing five decorative lampposts that will be installed at Morse Court, a move that officials say will not only illuminate the sidewalk but also help tie in the heavily used access way with the rest of the downtown.

The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday voted unanimously to approve an $18,575 contract (they’re $3,715 apiece) with Danbury-based F&M Electric for the lampposts—funds that will be drawn from a $215,000 state grant (New Canaan is one of 14 Connecticut towns that received a grant in 2013 from the Main Street Investment Fund).

“They will be exactly the same as every other one we have in the downtown area,” Assistant Director of Public Works Tiger Mann said at the selectmen’s regular meeting, held in the Training Room at the New Canaan Police Department.

It will take about 10 weeks to get the lampposts, and their installation will be covered under a separate request once they’re here, officials said.

“This will be a welcome addition,” First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said.

He added: “We are really getting that conducive look in our downtown, which is what we all wanted.”

The lampposts on Morse Court—which is not a roadway, by the town’s definition, but rather an access way—are part of Mann’s master plan for the downtown from about six years ago, and the concrete basis and conduit for them already are installed, so their installation will not require a lot of noisy digging up.

Other projects that New Canaan has done under the Main Street Investment Fund grant include sidewalks on Heritage Hill Road, lighting on Locust Avenue and crosswalks downtown, Mann said.

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