Town Council Recognizes Important Work of New Canaan Historical Society, Recently Retired Director

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The Town Council recently recognized the New Canaan Historical Society for its valuable work and dedication to the community.

The Town Council recognizes Janet Lindstrom and the Historical Society at its July 19, 2017 meeting. Credit: Sarah Maddox

The council specifically thanked former Executive Director Janet Lindstrom, who was in attendance.

At the July 19 meeting in Town Hall, Lindstrom said the nonprofit organization’s success “would not be if it were not for the great work that people do on a volunteer basis.”

Part of the Historical Society for 34 years, Lindstrom retired last year and was succeeded this past spring by Nancy Geary following an extensive search.

The Historical Society will find a place for anybody who is interested in volunteering, and tasks range from conducting research to introducing people to the eight buildings that the organization manages and preserves, Lindstrom said.

The 1825-built Town House, located on Oenoke Ridge Road, includes a research library that includes documents dating back to the Colonial era that anybody can use, she said.

Town Council Chairman Bill Walbert said that the Historical Society is “the first place to start” for people who move to New Canaan and want to learn more about the town.

The Historical Society also helps students from New Canaan and other areas to learn about local history, Lindstrom said.

“We are a community of history,” Councilman Penny Young said, “and we should treasure that history. Thank you for your work.”

One thought on “Town Council Recognizes Important Work of New Canaan Historical Society, Recently Retired Director

  1. Highest praise for the volunteers of the Historic Commission and all land-use boards that seek to preserve the ‘Next station…’ as a place for wise and noble-solid people, who appreciate the highest standards of preservation and conservation and the free enterprise system of Like-minded cities and townes of all our allies.

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