Len Paglialunga is one of the greatest football players to ever wear a New Canaan Rams uniform. A star running back in the late-1960s, Paglialunga rewrote the Rams’ record book, etching his—and New Canaan’s—legacy forever. His performance in the classic 1967 matchup against Darien helped lift the Rams to their first win over their hated rival since 1945.

Len Paglialunga, President of the New Canaan Old Timers Association, and his wife Liza, also a member.” credit=”Terry Dinan
Games such as that one still reverberate decades later, partially because of what Paglialunga currently does off the playing field. As president of the New Canaan Old Timers Association, Paglialunga is one of the “keepers of the flame” for New Canaan’s glorious athletic history.
“We try to keep the memories from the past alive,” Paglialuinga told NewCanaanite.com. “We try to keep everybody engaged in town. We try to keep the old timers up-to-date with what’s going on. But the biggest thing we do is to keep the past alive.”

Former NCHS varsity baseball coach Mark Rearick being homored by the Old Timer’s Association. Credit: Len Paglialunga
The Old Timers Association holds three major events throughout the year. On Tuesday, June 23rd the Old Timers will have their annual golf outing at the Fairchild Wheeler Golf course in Fairfield. In the fall, members host a clambake where they honor past figures from New Canaan sports history. And during homecoming weekend, they coordinate the Pancake Breakfast at the high school.
“It’s something we started about eight or so years ago now,” Paglialunga said. “The kids at the high school, every class, it’s a tradition for them now, which is absolutely wonderful.”

Rick Ericson and Steve Benko helping prepare for the annual Old Timers clambake. Credit: Len Paglialunga
Proceeds from the various events go toward the Vin Iovino Scholarship, named for former NCHS athletic director and presented to selected senior athletes at the annual sports picnic and award ceremony held at the end of every school year. This year’s winners were Josh Hermann, Navin Nair and Bailey Pilder.
“We try and get kids who play multiple sports,” Paglialunga said. “But that’s waning these days because everyone is specializing in one sport.”
That said, it’s not every day that a soon-to-be high school graduate receives an Old Timers award, something that Paglialunga says is met with a degree of apprehension.
“You’re an old timer as soon as you graduate from high school,” Paglialunga said. “The kids all say, ‘I’m not an old timer,’ and I reassure them … ‘Right now, you are.’ You can’t stop the clock.”
And as long as Paglialunga and the Old Timers Association carry the flame, the memories will be preserved.
can you tell me when the picnic for old timers in 2016 I think you usually have it in Sept but do you have a certain weekend every year.