Town Hall To Get Plaques Listing New Canaanites Who Served in Korea, Vietnam and during Gulf War, War on Terrorism

Town officials recently approved the payment of about $7,000 in privately raised funds to a Trumbull-based company that will install plaques at Town Hall honoring New Canaanites who have served in wartime. The additional plaques for the new major entrance of Town Hall will list the names of residents who served during the Korean War, Vietnam War and Operation Desert Storm of the Gulf War, according to Bill Oestmann, buildings superintendent of the New Canaan Department of Public Works. The Board of Selectmen at its June 27 meeting voted 3-0 to approve $6,962.76 for A.W. Construction LLC—funds raised by VFW Post 653 and the Exchange Club of New Canaan. VFW Post 653 Commander Peter Langenus said later that New Canaan’s American Legion Post 30 has given an “incredible commitment of time and money” to the project. During the meeting, held at Town Hall,First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said: “I applaud the effort.”

‘There’s Not Enough Being Done’: New Canaan Scout, 15, Oversees Cleaning of Veterans’ Gravestones at Lakeview Cemetery

Elliott Ruoff, a 15-year-old soon-to-be sophomore at New Canaan High School, wanted to do something special for veterans for his Eagle Scout project. Standing near one veteran’s marker on a recent, hot and humid morning at Lakeview Cemetery, Ruoff gave his reasons for taking on the cleaning all of the veterans’ gravestones there. “There’s not enough being done to help them, in my opinion,” Ruoff said. “One of the main problems with this is that when we’re trying to find the stones, we can never find them because some of them are just so dirty that they’re unreadable.”

There are about 900 veterans buried in Lakeview Cemetery, according to Ruoff. Troop 70, the Boy Scouts troop to which he belongs, is responsible for marking those veterans’ stones with U.S. flags for Memorial Day and wreaths for Christmas every year.

New Canaan VFW Calls for Donations to Support Wreath Placements on Graves of Veterans Buried in Town

The local Veterans of Foreign Wars post is calling for New Canaanites to support its effort to place a year on the gravestone of those who have served and buried in New Canaan. This year, some 985 wreaths were placed on the grave sites veterans from the French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Civil War, First and Second World Wars, Korean War and Vietnam War, for a total cost of more than $,9000, according to town resident Peter C. Langenus, commander of New Canaan VFW Post 653, who served as a U.S. Army captain in Vietnam and as a colonel during Operation Desert Storm. “Not one penny or dollar of taxpayer money is used to fund this annual project,” Langenus said. “The cost of this annual project increases each year as the number of veterans honored increases each year.”

Many New Canaanites will know Langenus, who has helped to lead solemn services following the Memorial Day parade as well as on Veterans Day. Langenus and the VFW are asking locals to donate to the VFW in order to support the nonprofit organization’s wreath program, launched many years ago with the New Canaan Exchange Club.