The condo-and-apartment complex known locally as “Merritt Village” is now “The Vue New Canaan.” Here’s its Facebook page.

New Canaan’s Lucas Niang. Credit: Terry Dinan
We wish all the best to 2015 New Canaan High School graduate Lucas Niang during the NFL draft, which opened Thursday night and runs through Saturday.
First Selectman Kevin Moynihan opened Tuesday’s Board of Selectmen meeting with a moment of silence, saying, “I’d like to start by having a brief moment moment of silence for our 21, perhaps now 22 New Canaan victims of this COVID virus and I would also like to note, as many of you know, that our own superintendent of schools, Dr. Bryan Luizzi’s father passed away over the weekend after only four days of illness, of COVID. This is a very sad time, and I would just like to take a few moments to remember these victims.”
New Canaan Police at 12:40 a.m. Monday cited an 18-year-old Stamford man for marijuana-related infractions after stopping his car on Cherry Street because it didn’t have a front marker plate.
The Town Council on Wednesday approved a 90-day local tax deferral program for qualified property owners. More details here.

The Irwin Park goats ornament. Photo courtesy of Faith Kerchoff
One of this year’s hand-painted New Canaan Ornaments features the Irwin Park goats. The $20 ornaments will be on sale later this summer through the New Canaan Museum & Historical Society.
In the days after the first confirmed case of COVID-19 virus in New Canaan last month, town officials sought legal advice on a series of public health emergency-related matters from town attorney Ira Bloom and other lawyers at Berchem & Moses, records show. Itemized charges listed on a legal bill covering March 12 through 14 include “Telephone call with K. Moynihan; review statutory powers” (.5 hours), “Telephone call from Jen Eielson regarding closures” (.4 hours), “legal research and analysis regarding health director emergency authority” (.6 hours), “legal research and preparation of legal memorandum regarding emergency powers” (1.3 hours), “telephone call from T. Stadler regarding BAA [Board of Assessment Appeals] and COVID-19 issues” (.4 hours), “telephone calls (2) with K. Moynihan; telephone call with N. Williams” (.5 hours) and “Telephone call with Bar officials and Governor’s counsel regarding Executive Orders for public meetings and statutory limits” (.7 hours). The town pays Berchem Moses PC a monthly retainer of $8,500 and a legal bill approved Tuesday by the Board of Selectmen included additional non-retainer fees of $7,596.50 (that’s $235 per hour).

Sorrelle Gallery on Main Street has closed. Credit: Michael Dinan
Sorelle Gallery, which opened six years ago on Main Street, has closed. The art gallery has launched a new location in Westport, according to a sign in its window.
In appointing Shekaiba Bennett to the Police Commission during Tuesday’s meeting, Moynihan said, “I am very happy to nominate the first female member of the New Canaan Police Commission, and as we did with the Fire [Commission] with Beth Jones and I think it’s about time 2020, to have broader representation on these boards and commissions.” Selectman Kit Devereaux said, “I think Shekaiba will be a wonderful addition. She is really a balanced, fair thinker. She has got a lot of community knowledge and I just applaud this appointment.”
Finally, the Chamber of Commerce in partnership with New Canaan Library at 8 p.m. Wednesday will host a videoconference with 15 local businesses, including 84 Sports, Earth Garden, Elm Street Books, Family Britches, Goldenberry, Groove, New Canaan Music, Pennyweights, Severed Ties, She La la, The Artful Mix, The Linen Shop, The Whitney Shop, Togs and Wave. Register here.
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