Solar Power Systems To Be Installed at Four Town Buildings 

The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday unanimously approved two contracts that will see solar power systems installed on town buildings in New Canaan for the first time. If all goes as planned, the new photovoltaic or ‘PV’ systems could be up and running at Town Hall, the Animal Care building at the New Canaan Nature Center, Waveny Pool house and Highway Department garage prior to next winter, officials said at the selectmen’s regular meeting. “This is our first foray into solar and I am very excited to get this project launched,” First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said at the meeting, held in Town Hall. Moynihan and Selectmen Kit Devereaux and Nick Williams voted 3-0 in favor of a $530,000 contract with Hartford-based Northeast Smart Energy to install the PV systems and with Norwalk-based MHR Development, which drew up the RFP for the work and will help manage the project. 

MHR’s principal is Mark Robbins, a former New Canaan resident who attended the meeting. Moynihan noted that Robbins has consulted on solar projects at local schools.

West Road Bridge Replacement on Track for Spring 2020

Town officials last week approved a $100,000 contract with a Newington-based consulting firm to design a West Road bridge whose headwall failed during a storm last summer. 

The Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 in favor of the contract with WMC Consulting Engineers. The new bridge will replace the existing one, located just north of the intersection at Turtle Back Road. The town moved the funding for the project up by a few months so that, following an estimated six-month design phase, the project can go out to bid in late-2019 for spring 2020 construction, according to Public Works Director Tiger Mann. New Canaan is expected to pay about $921,000 toward the total $1.8 million cost to replace the bridge, Mann said said. The Connecticut Department of Transportation has committed to a 50 percent grant that will go toward construction design and administration, Mann told the selectmen at their March 12 meeting.