‘She’s Eating Better Than My Husband’: Orphaned Beagle Finds Loving Home in New Canaan

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Ladybug, a twice-orphaned senior dog with a heart-wrenching history, appears finally to have found a loving home.

Ladybug Kangas (L) and Cathy Kangas (R) in the PRAI Beauty offices in New Canaan on Thursday, June 2, 2016. Credit: John Bemis

Ladybug Kangas (L) and Cathy Kangas (R) in the PRAI Beauty offices in New Canaan on Thursday, June 2, 2016. Credit: John Bemis

According to New Canaan resident Cathy Kangas, it’s been a smooth adjustment for the sweet-tempered beagle, from whatever her living situation had been (nobody is really sure), to New York City streets and then a series of Animal Control centers—to her new home here in town.

“She’s been getting nice and settled at home,” Kangas told NewCanaanite.com on Thursday afternoon from the Elm Street offices of her company, PRAI Beauty. “She’s being—knock on wood—the most amazing, easy little dog.”

The dog food bowls in the Kangas house. Ladybug's is the little one.

The dog food bowls in the Kangas house. Ladybug’s is the little one.

The little dog, estimated to be about nine years old, came to the New Canaan Animal Control shelter about two weeks ago, transferred from a shelter in New York City after being picked up on a Manhattan street. Officials in the city determined that Ladybug (also called ‘Hannah’ and ‘Stacey’ at various points in the past, according to her paper work) originally had been found as a stray on the Stamford-New Canaan border in March 2011. She was adopted the following month by a Stamford family that appears to have given her up to someone in New York, and then somehow ended up without a home there.

Maggie Kangas. Contributed

Maggie Kangas. Contributed

A New Canaan Animal Control officer brought Ladybug to the recent Dog Days New Canaan event at Pet Pantry, and Kangas, on learning of her backstory, immediately offered to take in the needy animal.

Ladybug connected with her home instantaneously, according to Kangas.

In entering the Kangas household, she joins not only a new human family but a pack of dogs, too.

Hannah and Hammy Kangas. Contributed

Hannah and Hammy Kangas. Contributed

Ladybug’s new siblings include: Maggie, an elderly St. Bernard rescued 11 years ago by police; Hannah, a beagle-Chinese crested mix; Hammy, a beagle-and-Weimeraner mix; and Jay, a big loving golden retriever.

“When she leapt out of the car last Thursday, she just made my day,” Kangas recalled. “She looked at me like I was her owner already, made a beeline for my front door, and walked in like she owned the place.”

Jay Kangas. Contributed

Jay Kangas. Contributed

In addition to a new home, Ladybug is starting a new diet of specialty dog food, her mom said.

“Whoever had her before must have been feeding her bread, pizza, just not good food,” said Kangas, who sits on the Humane Society of the United States’ Board of Directors. “Right now she’s a sausage on feet. But now her food has fresh salmon, it’s gluten-free, the whole deal. She’s eating better than my husband.”

Ladybug at New Canaan Dog Days 2016, held May 22 at Pet Pantry on Grove Street. Credit: Michael Dinan

Ladybug at New Canaan Dog Days 2016, held May 22 at Pet Pantry on Grove Street. Credit: Michael Dinan

In addition to staying at home, Kangas plans to have Ladybug in the PRAI offices, where she’s currently getting comfortable during the day.

“She’s been sniffing everything and everyone around the office, just checking the place out,” Kangas said.


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