UPDATED: Community Forum on ‘The Future of Town-Owned Buildings’ To Be Scheduled

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[Note:  Originally scheduled for March, this forum will be held some time after budget season. We apologize for any inconvenience.]

The Town of New Canaan in partnership with NewCanaanite.com will present a community-wide forum on “The Future of Town-Owned Buildings.”

Panelists will include:

  • Town Council Chairman John Engel
  • First Selectman Kevin Moynihan
  • Town Building Evaluation & Use Committee Co-Chair and Board of Finance member Amy Murphy Carroll
  • Architectural preservationist Marty Skrelunas

The forum will be held at Town Hall, moderated by NewCanaanite.com owner and editor Michael Dinan. Refreshments will be served.

New Canaan is working toward major decisions about the uses and futures of town-owned buildings. A selectmen-appointed committee in December produced an in-depth review of some 50 such structures in New Canaan, including recommendations in many cases about what could be done with them.

Right now, elected and appointed officials are weighing decisions about spending money next fiscal year to study or alter buildings in ways that could rearrange not just where municipal departments are located but whether some buildings continue under town ownership or exist at all.

To this point, members of the public haven’t had an opportunity to weigh in, letting their views be known or to ask questions, in one sitting, of those who serve on the various municipal bodies that are driving the conversation.

Here’s your chance.

The idea for this forum sprang from a discussion at the monthly coffee presented by New Canaanite in partnership with New Canaan Library. Please look out for:

  • Town Buildings Primer Factsheet (required reading)
  • Specifics on time, date and format

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