Hearing from the New Canaan branch of the American Association of University Women about a bit of news (see below) presented us with a chance to ask some questions of the group.

AAUW New Canaan Branch Luncheon Committee members, L-R: Cynde Lahey, Branch President; Dorcas Hills, Dorie Pease, Sue Scannell and Vicki LeBris, Chairman. Contributed photo
The AAUW reached out ahead of its 35th annual Book & Author Luncheon, to be held April 24 at Woodway Country Club in Darien. There, attendees will hear from four authors—Jane Green (“Tempting Fate”), Amy Rowland (“The Transcriptionist”), Peter Wolf (“My New Orleans, Gone Away”) and Cynthia Zarin (“An Enlarged Heart”)—with proceeds (it’s $65 a ticket) benefitting the group’s Educational Opportunities Fund. (Deadline for purchasing a ticket is Friday—see flier at the end of this article for more information.)
Looking at the organization’s website, we found out that five of the 34 women who founded the AAUW New Canaan Branch in 1974 remain active in the organization. In putting some questions to Book & Author Luncheon chair Vicki LeBris, we asked who they are, and also asked about the Educational Opportunities Fund. Our exchange follows.
New Canaanite: I see from your website that the New Canaan Branch—which draws from our neighboring Connecticut towns—is the second-largest in the state. Please tell us a little about the 100-plus membership—for example: About how many of them are from New Canaan? Are these women who have lived here for a long time, or are there newbies? How many are actively working versus retired? What kinds of professions do New Canaan Branch’s AAUW members have?
Vicki LeBris: Approximately 20 percent of our members live in surrounding towns. While many members have lived in the New Canaan area for a number of years, we actively seek and happily accept new members at all times! It’s a little more difficult to give numbers regarding those retired versus actively employed. Our membership is extremely diverse in its employment history: a number are currently working, many others are retired after lifetime careers, a good percentage left careers to work raising families and are still engaged in doing so, and still others have launched second careers following “retirement.” A sampling of professions among our membership includes financial planners, writers, psychologists, physicians, bankers, social workers, musicians and, as you are well aware, teachers. The list is certainly not complete.
Who are the five charter members from the original 34 in 1970 that are still active in the New Canaan Branch of AAUW?
The five charter members who continue as active members of the AAUW New Canaan Branch today are: Tommy Fox, Evelyn Jones, Robin Rockafellow, Janet Lindstrom and Ethel Shafter.
I see proceeds from the April 24 event benefit the AAUW Educational Opportunities Fund. What is that and what does it do?
All proceeds from our Book Author Luncheon benefit the Educational Opportunities Fund of AAUW. This fund is one of the largest sources of financing for women’s graduate level education in the world. Its prestigious fellowships, grants and awards provide support for women scholars, teachers and professionals at critical times in their lives.