Police: One Gang Likely Committed 18 of 20 Illegal Car Entries Last Week

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Police say last week’s overnight thefts from unlocked cars throughout New Canaan—including one instance where a Range Rover itself was stolen, with a Waterbury teen later arrested for that—represents what is likely a gang-related crime spree.

In all, 20 vehicles were entered overnight on July 7 to 8 (18 total that night) and again on July 8 to 9 (two more), according to New Canaan Police Capt. Vincent DeMaio. Police saw a concentration of those entries on River Street, lower New Norwalk Road, Brinckerhoff Avenue and Mortimer Street, and Four Winds Lane and Ponus Ridge, DeMaio said.

Detectives have processed more than six of the entered vehicles, swabbing for DNA, and will send test samples to a state laboratory in order to find out if there’s a match, he said.

“We feel there was a number of individuals who came into town that night and were working together,” DeMaio said. “We are assuming this is some type of gang-related activity coming out of Waterbury.”

Waterbury Police at about 5 p.m. Wednesday arrested a 19-year-old man who was found in possession of a 2006 Range Rover—stolen from a Ponus Ridge driveway, unlocked and with its keys inside—and that individual is in custody in Waterbury though not yet cooperating, DeMaio said.

Police believe the two break-ins on the second night are unrelated to the 18 from the first, mostly because in the case of July 8 to 9, the car windows were physically smashed (on Carter Street and Canoe Hill Road) in order to get at a purse inside, DeMaio said.

In all, more than $7,500 in iPhones and electronics, garments, wallets, cash, and jewelry (an engagement ring) were reported stolen from the vehicles, he said. Though 20 total illegal motor vehicle entries had been reported, the true tally likely is higher, since the criminals may have entered some cars and found nothing of value to steal, he said.

Police are urging residents to keep valuables out of their parked cars, lock them and make sure not to leave keys inside, as well as to set alarms and report any suspicious activity to the New Canaan Police Department, at 203-594-3500.

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