Police Arrest Woman, 21, in Connection with Nursery Road Burglary

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New Canaan police on Jan. 16 arrested a 21-year-old Bridgeport woman by warrant and charged her with third-degree burglary, third-degree larceny, conspiracy to commit third-degree burglary, and conspiracy to commit third-degree larceny.

She’s accused of entering a Nursery Road home through an unlocked door on Oct. 21 and stealing items including jewelry, watches, clothing and a guitar—a total value of $9,640.

Police identified her after she sold some of the stolen items to a pawn shop, according to New Canaan Police Sgt. Carol Ogrinc.

The suspect also has been identified in residential burglaries on other towns. After New Canaan police served the warrant for her arrest (at court in Bridgeport) and processed her here in town, she was handed over on $40,000 bond to Darien police, who also held a warrant for her arrest.

She’s scheduled to appear Jan. 28 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

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