Chase Jansen's scavenger hunt NCHS Senior Prom-posal started at Green & Tonic, and the cashier gave his date, Freia Mierendorf, one of the cups with flowers and a note inside, (as seen here). The first hint said: "I know Oreo dream waffles are your favorite, so go to the place where you WOULDN'T HAVE TO crave it." So she went to the new Canaan diner, then she got this hint, " I hope your pancakes were as sweet as you, now go to the place where your favorite coffee is brewed" then she headed to Zumbach's Gourmet Coffee. There, she got her last hint that said, " I hope that you liked your coffee from Z's, now off to a place with a gazebo and trees" ...

Here's the final stop of Chase Jansen's scavenger hunt NCHS Senior Prom-posal. It says "Now that you've figured out every clue, there's something that I have to ask you. I sent you all around NC, now will you go to prom with me?" Contributed
Chase Jansen's scavenger hunt Senior Prom-posal worked out. Here he is with his date, Freia Mierendorf. Contributed
NCHS senior Jake O'Neill asked his friend Kate Mcmahon to prom. The two attend church together, so Jake did is best impression of the Big Guy to get a yes—it worked. Contributed

Mary Jane Ripley asked Gelatissimo Artisan Gelato co-worker Weston Shanley to Senior Prom, writing 'prom' on the gelato in spoons and putting the question mark on the crepe to match the sign "Friday would be crepe-y without you, so ..." Contributed
NewCanaanite.com is happy to announce the winner of its first annual “Prom-posal” Photo Contest for the Senior Prom.
New Canaan High School senior Chase Jansen asked out his date, sophomore Freia Mierendorf, through an involved scavenger hunt that started at a Burtis Avenue business and finished at Irwin park—see photos.
Jansen wins a $50 gift certificate that’s good at dozens of New Canaan businesses. His entry was deemed best based on the criteria of creativity, humor and originality, as per a panel of judges convened by the New Canaanite editors that included representatives from the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce.
We’ve included honorable mention finalists for this year’s Senior Prom-posal contest in the gallery, too. Thanks for your submissions, everyone!
New Canaan High School junior Trevor Konspore asked out his date, sophomore Danielle MacKimm, via Zumbach’s cappuccino to Junior Prom to win that contest.
Note: This contest is not connected in any way, nor is it a promotion run by New Canaan High School or New Canaan Public Schools.