Parks Officials Propose 2017 Waveny Pool Rates

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Parks officials on Wednesday voted unanimously to recommend a new slate of fees for the popular Waveny Pool for the 2017 season.

The proposed rates include modest increases for all types of passes at the self-sustaining facility, except for senior residents, who would pay $20 less.

The pool was “very solid financially last summer,” Parks & Recreation Commission Chair Sally Campbell said during the group’s regular meeting at Lapham Community Center.

“Our family passes went way up last year, which is why we decided not to raise the fees [by as much], because we thought it was just right,” Campbell said.

Here’s a year-over-year breakdown of the new proposed rates. They must be approved by the Board of Selectmen before taking effect:

Proposed Waveny Pool Rates, 2017*

 2015 rate2016 rate2017 proposed
Family Pass$425$450 $455
Individual Pass$250$260$265
Limited Use Pass$175 + $10 per visit$180 + $10 per visit$185 + $10 per visit
Senior Citizen**$70$70 $50
Nanny Pass***$125$125$130
Nonresident Pass****$1,000$1,150$1,175
The Parks & Recreation Commission endorsed these proposed fees at its Feb. 8, 2017 meeting. The Board of Selectmen has yet to approve them.

* Guest fees are either $5 (17-and-under) to $10 (adults)
** Seniors here are those 62 and older
*** No guests are permitted on a Nanny Pass
****Maximum of 100 nonresident passes sold per season


The commission voted 9-0 in favor. Those voting included Campbell as well as commissioners Matt Konspore, Laura Costigan, Katie Owsley, Jason Milligan, Doug Richardson, Andy Gordon, Gene Goodman and Hank Green. Commissioners Kit Devereaux and Francesa Segalas were absent.

The $5 and $10 guest fees for youth and adults, respectively, will remain the same for the upcoming season, the group said. In the past, the pool has opened on Memorial Day weekend in May and run through Labor Day weekend.

Costigan asked for clarification on the difference between “daily” and “individual” passes.

Recreation Director Steve Benko said that a person buying a daily pass still pays $10 per visit to the pool. It’s designed for those who want to use the facility but would go less frequently than most, he said. Last summer, the town sold about 18 daily passes.

“Some day it might go away,” Benko said.

Milligan said the commission “probably should revisit” the daily pass.

The selectmen are scheduled to meet Tuesday.

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