Open Letter to the Class of 2019: What to Expect When You’re a Freshman

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Dear Class of 2019,

There’s a phrase: “That’s so high school.”

The reason for the phrase is because there is big hype about high school and when the first day of school finally comes around, it turns out not to be that big of a deal.

With my friend from New Canaan at a concert during our freshman year

With my friend from New Canaan at a concert during our freshman year

You’re probably expecting high school to be like what it is in the movies, but I’m here to tell you that it won’t be anything like that. Here are some things you should do to make your first year of high school less painful than you may expect it to be.

  1. Do NOT procrastinate. Most teachers at NCHS will set a certain due date for rough drafts and outlines to make sure your final draft is well done. However, if they don’t set up a plan, make one up for yourself—and stick to it. Make sure to write the due dates in your planner, and you will ace that paper. If there is no peer edit time during class, don’t worry! NCHS has a writing center open every period to help you out if you aren’t sure about parts of your paper. They are there to help you.
  2. Talk to upperclassmen. You’re probably thinking: This is the last thing I would ever do during my first year of high school. But I found that talking to upperclassmen, especially ones in my classes, would help me in the long run. When I was a freshman, I befriended a junior who was in the orchestra with me. She was the one I would ask if I ever had to make a decision about what class to take, or about a teacher
    My friend (left) and I, who was a Junior at the time I was a Freshman.

    Here’s me (R) and my friend, who was a Junior at the time I was a Freshman.

    I was wondering about. We ended up becoming good friends and now I can’t imagine where I would be without her. Just remember, when you are approaching an upperclassmen, be sure to treat them like you would someone in your grade. Have confidence and be cool—do not treat them like an authority figure.

  3. Dress for yourself. Don’t pay attention to what social media says about new trends. If you see something you like and would wear to school, then wear it. As long as you feel comfortable, then everybody else will go along with it. Don’t obsess over your image.
  4. Try new things. If you see a flyer for a sport or activity that you’ve always wanted to try, go for it! There is a reason that there are sports teams just for freshman: to help you learn the sport, and get used to what high school sports are like. The clubs at NCHS are there so that you can meet people who share the same interests as you. When I was a freshman, I joined a lot of clubs so I could diversify my experiences at high school. Make a goal for yourself to try one new thing this year. I promise it will be worth it.
  5. Most importantly, have fun! Some people say that high school is the best four years of your life, so make the most of it.

Stay strong Freshmen, see you there!


Sophia Welch ‘17

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