An oppressively hot and humid week in New Canaan finally turned bearable following thunderstorms on Thursday-Friday, setting up a great night for the annual fireworks gathering at Waveny.
In the first full week of the new fiscal year, heading into this holiday weekend, New Canaan held almost no public meetings (the manmade 1957 pond at Philip Johnson Glass House was up before Inland Wetlands for its first-ever dredge), though we did see the fire department’s newest member start, and plenty of activity downtown.
Here’s the Week in Review.
Town Talker
New Canaan’s major real estate story of 2014 was the sale of the Huguette Clark estate up on Dan’s Highway back in February, and speculation went on for several weeks about who the buyer was (it’s a former design head of Coach). The next question in many people’s minds was: What’s going to happen to the estate itself? This week, we got an answer—it’s a $1.8 million interior renovation.

New Canaan resident George McEvoy, a retired marketer and active potter, in his workshop/studio on Seminary Street. Credit: Michael Dinan
New Canaanite in Focus
Since about the time New Canaan resident George McEvoy launched his career in marketing a half-century ago, he has paid attention to and honed his skills in a special calling: pottery. In our profile of McEvoy for our “Faces of New Canaan” series, we talk to Mcevoy about what drew him to the art, what sustains him in it and get a look at some of the terrific pieces he sells out of a studio on his Seminary Street property.
The Village Fair & Sidewalk Sale is less than two weeks away (Saturday, July 19) and at least one business that will be participating at it made big headlines this past week.

Maxine Berg, founder and owner of Jade, which is coming to 7 Elm St. on Aug. 1. It will also participate in the Village Fair & Sidewalk Sale on July 19. Contributed photo
Jade, a boutique women’s fitness wear shop that’s been operating out of Darien for about 18 months, is opening up at 7 Elm St. on Aug. 1.
We also got a nibble on the comprehensive health and wellness center that’s planned for 45 Grove St., and found out that the town’s last independently owned pharmacy, Varnum’s, will be renamed ‘New Canaan Pharmacy’ when it reopens at 44 East Ave. on July 11—that’s this coming Friday for the grand opening.
Speaking of longstanding businesses, here’s a list of 28 current New Canaan Chamber of Commerce member businesses that also were members back in 1982.
Public Safety
New Canaan police fielded reports of a stolen wallet and some valuable stamps, and also received word that a 2006 Jeep reported stolen from a parking lot at Talmadge Hill Train Station was recovered up in West Haven.