New Canaan Teen Cited for Pot Charges during Traffic Stop

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Police cited a pair of New Canaan teens on minor drug and motor vehicle charges after finding a small amount of pot and smoking gear during a traffic stop downtown last Thursday night.

At about 7:34 p.m., an officer noticed that the registration for a car traveling on Elm Street had expired last August, according to a police report.

The car pulled into a gas station and the officer pulled it over. Approaching, he detected an odor of marijuana in side, the report said. At first the driver, 17, and two passengers said they had none, then a passenger in back, 17, said he in fact did have pot, and handed over a bag that contained a baggie with a small amount of pot, two pipes and a grinder.

The driver was issued an infraction for driving an unregistered motor vehicle and violating passenger restrictions, and the teen in back was cited for possession of less than .5 ounces of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. His case was referred to the Juvenile Matters Division at state Superior Court in Stamford, where he is scheduled to appear April 14.

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