New Canaan will put in for capital project funds from the state to replace what parks officials call aging playground equipment and Mead and Kiwanis Parks.
With funds that come through the State Bond Commission, the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (or “STEAP”) serves Connecticut towns ineligible for Urban Action bonds, for purposes that include “quality of life projects,” the state website says.
The Board of Selectmen at its regular meeting Tuesday voted unanimously to support an application on behalf of the Recreation Department for $103,750 to replace the playground equipment.

Here's part of the playground area at Mead Park.
“We need to replace equipment at Kiwanis and … at Mead we have a see-saw and spring animals [that are aging],” Recreation Director Steve Benko said during the meeting, held at the New Canaan Police Department. The equipment is inspected every year—some of its dates to 1987, Benko said—and it’s reaching the end of its usable life. The funds would be divided roughly 50-50 between the town parks, with slightly more money going to the Mead playground, Benko said.
Should the town’s application receive approval, the Board of Finance and Town Council would need to vote to accept the funds.