Oyster Bay, N.Y.— New Canaan’s junior varsity, freshman and Middle School crews cleaned out the medal locker at the Long Island Junior Rowing Championships Regatta last weekend.

L-R: Tyler Brennan, Kevin Fanning, Max Lindeis, Max Plum, Mary Cate Carlo, Michael D’Agostino, Tyler Kortekaas, James Hilton and Grant Hanauer. Contributed
Despite high winds and a rough chop in Oyster Bay Harbor, New Canaan Crew put in strong performances across the board on the 1,500-meter sprint course.
Of five races entered, New Canaan medaled in four, and took gold in three.
The Men’s Junior Varsity 4 without coxswain (JV 4x) stroked by Patrick Curley of Wilton and including New Canaan oarsmen Jasper Tucker (3), Ryan Sill (2) and Dylan Koproski (Bow) won with a time of 5:32.00, a full ten seconds ahead of second place, St. Joseph High School.
In the Middle School 4x, the New Canaan boat crossed the finish line over one minute ahead of host club Sagamore Rowing leaving the entire field in its wake clocking a 6:09.00.

L-R: Dylan Koproski, Ryan Sill, Jasper Tucker and Patrick Curley. Contributed
Also medaling was the was the Women’s Novice 4+ with a Bronze medal performance behind winner RFH Rowing and, by a photo-finish half second, silver medalist Friends of Port Rowing. This boat included New Canaan rowers Anne Johston (Coxswain), Ellen Nelson (4) and Anna Meli (Bow).
New Canaan took the premier event of the day, the Boys JV 8 with coxswain (JV 8+). Stroked by James Hilton of Darien and including New Canaan rowers Tyler Kortekaas (7), Max Plum (6), Grant Hanauer (4), Max Lindeis (3) and Tyler Brennan (Bow), the boys eight won the day in a hard fought battle edging out second-place Pelham Community Rowing by a mere 6.51 seconds.
The New Canaan B boat including New Canaan oarsmen Oliver Richardson (2), Nicholas Roeder-Yika (4), Ben Levin (5), James Harai (7) and Bobby Carpenter (Stroke) put in solid performance in the same race clocking in at 6:15.75.
All in all, it was a great day for New Canaan Crew.