Sophia Welch, 15, is going into her junior year at New Canaan High School. Her favorite summer spot in New Canaan is Waveny Park. “I love Waveny In the summer, I practice softball there, and I go on the trails whenever I can. It’s the perfect place just to chill out and relax.”

Bella Carpi, 15, of New Canaan, is going to be a junior at New Hampton Boarding School in New Hampshire. When not in school, her favorite summer spot to go is Baskin Robbins. She says, “Baskin Robbins is almost always open, and you can go get an ice cream and sit outside after you go for a run, or even just to hang out with friends.”
RJ Scofield, 22, a Norwalk resident, recently graduated from Roger Williams University with a degree in Journalism, expresses his love for pizza by making his favorite summer spot Pinocchio's Pizza. He says, "Pinocchio's is my favorite New Canaan summer spot because of their light tangy pizza with a terrific crust. It's quintessential CT pizza in my opinion, and after a long semester in Rhode Island away at school, it's one of those places that tells me summer has begun and welcome home, even if it is open all year."

Mackenzie Lewis, 18, recently graduated from New Canaan High School, and will be attending Elon University in the fall, majoring in Communications. She visits Baskin Robbins the most in the summer. “It's the best place to stop on a hot day for classic ice cream. Two for Tuesday is the best time to go."
The NewCanaanite.com summer interns are locals who have a passion for journalism and photography. This gallery is an introduction to each one of them, and their favorite summer spot here in town. We are all excited to bring you the news!