Mailbox Larceny on Briscoe Road; iPad Missing from School

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A 36-year-old Briscoe Road resident reported to police on Nov. 11 that 10 checks were stolen from his mailbox between Oct. 24 and 25 and that six of them have already been cashed, according to Sgt. Carol Ogrinc.

The report does not state the value of the checks were cashed, but the 10 checks value approximately between $47 and $4,512.


A teacher at a private school in New Canaan reported a missing or stolen iPad to the New Canaan Police Department on Nov. 13, according to Sgt. Carol Ogrinc.

The device, which is valued at $500, is owned by the school and assigned to a student, but is not normally removed from the building. The device, according to the report, has been missing since Oct. 28 and attempts to track its location via GPS have not been successful.

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