Letter to the Editor: Moynihan for First Selectman, Time for a Change

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I am pleased to support Kevin Moynihan’s candidacy for first selectman and would urge my fellow New Canaanites to do so as well.

I have known Kevin for many years as a friend and supporter of community activities. I have always found him to be well reasoned, thoughtful and balanced in his perspectives. I have also found him to be steadfast in his positions and not influenced by popular position or what may have been expedient—a truly refreshing quality in today’s political climate. True to this practice, he keeps his word.

We are in dire need in New Canaan to hit the reset button as to the value proposition that we as a town subscribe to. For too long we have ‘kicked the can down the road’ and deferred taking action, or were unable to arrive at solutions for critical need areas such as ineffective cell phone coverage for first responders and multi year waiting list for commuter parking.

We also have not measured up in relation to surrounding towns in meeting the needs of certain constituents in our town like special needs groups, and young people.

It is time for a fresh approach in addressing serious administrative deficiencies such as the need for tighter financial controls, greater transparency and an openness to new ideas.

Please join me in supporting Kevin Moynihan who will bring new, vibrant leadership to New Canaan. It is time for a change.

Bob Albus

14 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor: Moynihan for First Selectman, Time for a Change

  1. Isn’t Mr. Albus one of the founders of the OUTBACK teen center who said that the organization would NEVER need any New Canaan taxpayer money to keep the organization going?

    How can his word be trusted about K. Moynihan?

    One of Mr. Moynihan’s other letter writer supporters apparently lives in Georgia. What is the validity of his endorsement?

    • I can’t speak to whether or not Mr. Albus claimed the Outback would never need taxpayer money, but he was a member of the Outback’s founding board of directors.

  2. Moynihan seems to be putting some (potentially) large amounts of money into this campaign. I’ve seen ads for his campaign on websites that have nothing to do with New Canaan.

    It’s somewhat unsettling to be reading an article about what the president is doing on a major political website and see an ad for Moynihan in the middle of the page. It certainly doesn’t help that he worked on the Trump campaign and seems proud of it, considering how little the current administration has accomplished. I’d hate to Moynihan, or anyone for that matter, elected as First Selectman and start telling the public “nobody knew [this job] could be so complicated.”

    I’ve seen nothing in his past, as someone who only knows of his work on the town council, to indicate that he would lead New Canaan to any positive changes. By the way, the text from his ad was, and I quote, “Issue: Commuter parking”. I took a screenshot because it was just that odd to see an ad for him on a site devoted to national political issues.

    If that’s his platform and focus as a candidate, I don’t know how the residents of New Canaan could trust him to actually care about New Canaan itself and not simply try to turn it into a commuter hub, ignoring the need to maintain the “feel” and “authenticity” of New Canaan–this is the only town in this area that I can drive or walk in and think, “this is unique, this is clearly New Canaan.” Everywhere else looks like a carbon copy of every other town and if you dropped me in one I wouldn’t have that immediate recognition that I and many other people have in New Canaan (Pound Ridge, Bedford, Ridgefield, the list goes on but they all look the same while New Canaan has character that needs to be preserved and not destroyed just to accommodate more commuter parking).

    • Lest we forget, Mr. Moynihan was a CT representative to the Republican National get-together and representing MR. DONALD TRUMP and apparently still a BIG TRUMP SUPPORTER (lets hear him say otherwise ??) Does this mean that if he is elected at 1st selectman that we can expect almost daily obnoxious tweets like Mr. Trump …. opposition to women’s rights? …. more emphasis on private schools? … opposition to immigrants (who will cut our grass??) …. more opposition to health benefits for older citizens, …. etc., etc.???

      Would you want this individual running out Town?

      • This character assassination is unacceptable and uncivil and brings the vile national hatred of those that disagree with others into New Canaan. Stick to the local issues. Each citizen has a right to their religious beliefs and political beliefs without fearing character assassination. and too boot Fintan M. is a registered member of the NCDTC so of course he dislikes Kevin’s political choices. Fintan’s comment should never have been posted. Kudos to Mrs Orr and Mr Vachula for speaking up against this uncivil attack.

        • leave it to Mr. Abramowitz to try and play the religion card …. which no one else in NC has mentioned … and certainly Trump has no religion to speak of, except lie and trash one and all who disagree with him.

          • No your perception and comment of my comparative analysis is totally off base. No one is bringing in religion. It is an example of intolerance of others opinions. The point is why are you bent on bringing in incivility into the Republican Caucus in which you cannot even vote. The candidates are refraining from lack of civility and sticking to local issues perhaps you should do the same. The point is intolerance has no place in the RTC caucus.

  3. This town needs a change, we need someone who will actually IMPROVE the town and it’s value. His affiliation with Trump is exaggerated as an attack to protect Mallozzi. National Politics and that crazy stage is quite different than local issues we are having. I would want this individual running this town, #anyonebutRob

    • Michelle, I’m a bit confused by what you’re saying here. Moynihan himself brought up his connection to Trump and seems to be quite proud of it, so it appears to be something he would like to include in the voters’ decision making process.

      Are you saying that a person’s past beliefs and political stances are irrelevant to this election? I think we all need to remember that it was Moynihan himself who first mentioned his connection to the Trump campaign and I doubt many other people would have even known about it if he had not made a point to mention it in his own statement.

      I don’t think the voters of New Canaan should ignore a statement made by the candidate himself simply because some people feel it may be detrimental to his election prospects.

  4. did not think I would ever agree with Michelle Orr — but this
    attack on Kevin is way out of line — vote for or against Kevin
    for local reason — Making this about President Trump
    is a laugh

    • I beg to differ. It’s quite valid. We just had a national election where an outsider with no real experience in office is now destroying our country.
      Who’s to say the Trump guy (Moynihan) wouldn’t do the same thing if given the same capabilities?
      It’s unfortunate because Moynihan seems nice (despite his lack of presence in town) but we just can’t trust someone who is so close to Trump.
      It seems like Mrs. Orr is so infatuated by her hatred of a certain candidate that she fails to see the obvious connection (like most Republicans fail to see the Russia connection !!).

    • As I mentioned in my reply to Michelle Orr, Moynihan himself brought Trump into the conversation. No one else mentioned it. Read his statement when he announced his candidacy and you’ll see that he appears to have proudly supported the Trump campaign.

      While local politics are a different beast than national, the voters should consider the entire candidate, not just the parts of the candidate that fit the story his supporters want to tell.

  5. The comments are not “an attack on Kevin” … they are the truth …. and not fake news or lies.
    If Mr. Moynahan is not a Trump supporter, then let’s hear it from him!