Letter: ‘Thank You’ from The Exchange Club

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The Exchange Club of New Canaan had another banner year of sales with 1,260 trees and almost 2,000 wreaths sold at our annual fundraiser in Kiwanis Park. We netted nearly $90,000, which we’ll distribute to local not-for-profit organizations this year.

We want to thank the New Canaan community and residents from nearby towns for buying trees and wreaths from us. We were also pleased to see many adults and children attending our annual Lou Moreno tree lighting ceremony. We could not have been successful without the help from many organizations including the Service League of Boys, the Girl and Boy Scouts, Pivot Ministries, the Shepherds, the New Canaan Recreation Department, the Chamber of Commerce, Old Faithful, Studio Singers and watch dog Wisdom.

There are more than 100 members of the Exchange Club of New Canaan. We appreciate your support and generosity. You make all this possible.

We’ll begin our grants and donations process in March. Traditionally, our largest benefactor is the Exchange Club Parenting Skills Center in Stamford, whose main focus is prevention of child abuse. In 2016, we also supported 27 other local organizations and helped fund college scholarships for deserving High School students.

For more details on who we support and on how to become a member, please visit our website.

Charlie Holmes

President-Elect of the Exchange Club of New Canaan

Tree Lot Manager 2016

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