Letter: Supporting Liz Donovan for Town Council

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Dear Editor,

I endorse Liz Donovan for the Town Council not due to a longtime friendship, business association, or any other personal interests. I only know Ms. Donovan due to our mutual involvement in Togetherhood, a New Canaan YMCA volunteer organization.

Togetherhood’s monthly 7 pm meetings became 7:15 pm meetings when Liz joined two years ago. That is the price one pays when one gets home from a long day of work, and gives her diabetic cat its nightly insulin shot. For Liz to time her appointments to the minute is no surprise, if you pay attention to her background and schedule.

Liz’s comprehensive executive track record began in her Princeton days. Her volunteer days began long before even that. Liz cared for her father’s disabled polio condition at a very young age. I believe this personal difficult experience became the foundation of Ms. Donovan’s sensitivity commitment to care and serve her community.

Liz Donovan raised a family of adopted and foster children, held responsible functions with the local Boy Scouts, and has been involved in a lifetime of additional volunteer experiences.

Professionally, Liz excelled in corporate America. “Liz the Wiz” is a “workaholic” with roles ranging from corporate trainer, software development management, telecommunications and entrepreneur. Liz is a good listener, who demonstrates leadership, and excellent communication skills. She clearly knows how to prioritize and resolve issues and disputes. I have witnessed this being done without “ruffling feathers.”

An ability to see a job through time and time again until it is done, should never be underestimated.

Ms. Donovan appreciates the positive experience of growing up in New Canaan. She would be honored, and love nothing more (except perhaps for her cat to give his own daily diabetic injections) be part of a legacy team to preserve the unique characteristics of New Canaan. To continue to maintain and preserve the forefront of New Canaan’s leading small town position (education, activities, budgets, etc.) requires remarkable character, astute decisions, experience, smarts, a tireless work ethic, as well as being an exceptional caring individual.

I have 45 years of volunteer experience, with 30 organizations. Moreover, I am fortunate enough to experience my daughter, Jessica Brown, to be part of several teams who have had bipartisan bills and amendments passed in Congress. In our current toxic Washington DC atmosphere, it takes unique dedicated people to work together across party lines, and “get the job done.” This is the only way people will win. Liz will build consensus, through fair open mindedness, and maintain civility at all times. It is easy to see that Liz Donovan has the same characteristics and character to ensure that the people of New Canaan will preserve and prosper in the coming years.

Thank you for your time and consideration to read this letter.


Ron Brown

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